
class unreal.VPFullScreenUserWidget_PostProcess

Bases: VPFullScreenUserWidget_PostProcessBase

Renders widget by adding it as a blend material.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: VirtualProductionUtilities

  • Module: VPUtilities

  • File: VPFullScreenUserWidget_PostProcess.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • composure_layer_targets (Array[CompositingElement]): [Read-Write] List of composure layers that are expecting to use the WidgetRenderTarget.

  • post_process_material (MaterialInterface): [Read-Write] Post process material used to display the widget. SlateUI [Texture] TintColorAndOpacity [Vector] OpacityFromTexture [Scalar]

  • post_process_opacity_from_texture (float): [Read-Write] Sets the amount of opacity from the widget’s UI texture to use when rendering the translucent or masked UI to the viewport (0.0-1.0).

  • post_process_tint_color_and_opacity (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Tint color and opacity for this component.

  • receive_hardware_input (bool): [Read-Write] Register with the viewport for hardware input from the mouse and keyboard. It can and will steal focus from the viewport.

  • render_target_background_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] The background color of the render target

  • render_target_blend_mode (WidgetBlendMode): [Read-Write] The blend mode for the widget.

  • use_widget_draw_size (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to overwrite the size of the rendered widget.

  • widget_draw_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] The size of the rendered widget.

  • window_focusable (bool): [Read-Write] Is the virtual window created to host the widget focusable?

  • window_visibility (WindowVisibility): [Read-Write] The visibility of the virtual window created to host the widget.