
class unreal.VREditorFloatingUICreationContext(widget_class: Class = Ellipsis, panel_id: Name = 'None', parent_actor: Actor = Ellipsis, panel_spawn_offset: Transform = Ellipsis, panel_size: Vector2D = Ellipsis, panel_mesh: StaticMesh = Ellipsis, editor_ui_size: float = 0.0, hide_window_handles: bool = False, mask_out_widget_background: bool = False, no_close_button: bool = False)

Bases: StructBase

Creation parameters for AVREditorFloatingUI

C++ Source:

  • Module: VREditor

  • File: VREditorFloatingUI.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • editor_ui_size (float): [Read-Write] Optional override for “VREd.EditorUISize”. Leave at 0 for default.

  • hide_window_handles (bool): [Read-Write] Turn off handles under window? (X-To-Close, movement bar…)

  • mask_out_widget_background (bool): [Read-Write] Turn off the widget’s background to create a see-through look.

  • no_close_button (bool): [Read-Write] If bHideWindowHandles is false, this window doesn’t have a close button. (

  • panel_id (Name): [Read-Write] ID that the UI system will use to identify the panel. MUST BE UNIQUE!

  • panel_mesh (StaticMesh): [Read-Write] Optional custom mesh to use for the VR window.

  • panel_size (Vector2D): [Read-Write] Panel size. Should match the size of the UMG passed in.

  • panel_spawn_offset (Transform): [Read-Write] Optional offset from HMD where the window opens. Pass FTransform::Identity for default logic - window will open at controller location.

  • parent_actor (Actor): [Read-Write]

  • widget_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Widget to open in the VR window. null to close an open window (if if matches the PanelID)

property editor_ui_size: float

[Read-Write] Optional override for “VREd.EditorUISize”. Leave at 0 for default.



property hide_window_handles: bool

[Read-Write] Turn off handles under window? (X-To-Close, movement bar…)



property mask_out_widget_background: bool

[Read-Write] Turn off the widget’s background to create a see-through look.



property no_close_button: bool

[Read-Write] If bHideWindowHandles is false, this window doesn’t have a close button. (



property panel_id: Name

[Read-Write] ID that the UI system will use to identify the panel. MUST BE UNIQUE!



property panel_mesh: StaticMesh

[Read-Write] Optional custom mesh to use for the VR window.



property panel_size: Vector2D

[Read-Write] Panel size. Should match the size of the UMG passed in.



property panel_spawn_offset: Transform

[Read-Write] Optional offset from HMD where the window opens. Pass FTransform::Identity for default logic - window will open at controller location.



property parent_actor: Actor




property widget_class: Class

[Read-Write] Widget to open in the VR window. null to close an open window (if if matches the PanelID)

