Async screenshot saver (Windows only)

Krot9ira - Code Plugins - Jun 8, 2023

Take screenshot of game window without any spike by using backround threads

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.1 - 5.3
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

This plugin gives you a function which takes a screenshot of the game window (does not work in the editor) . On input, it takes path and name. Because it works in the background thread it has no fps drop for the player. This plugin is only for Windows.

Technical Details


  •  Multithreading Screenshot

Code Modules:

  •  AsyncScreenShot Runtime

Number of Blueprints: 2

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64
