Shooter Game

Epic Games - UE Legacy Samples - Mar 23, 2014

Learn how to construct a detailed level and integrate weapons, AI-driven bots and more!

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.0 - 4.27
  • Download Type
    Complete Project
    This product contains a full Unreal Engine project folder, complete with Config files, Content files and .uproject file, which can be used as a template to create a new project.
Use this project to see how to construct a detailed level with integrated weapons, AI-driven bots and more! The popular example game shows off the basic framework for constructing your own first-person shooter style experience with C++, while illustrating a variety of great features and techniques.

Optimized for Xbox One and PlayStation 4! Demonstrated on Linux.

UE-Only Content - Licensed for Use Only with Unreal Engine-based Products

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