Location on WorldMap


This blueprint allows you to produce augmented reality cartograhy scenes for studios by displaying various maps and Worldwide locations (spots from Google map). It is also possible to use movie render queue.

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    アセット パック
    この製品には、Unreal Engine アセットを詰め合わせたものが入っています。任意の既存プロジェクトにインポート可能です。

WorldMap_Location is a blueprint that integrates numerous features within a single asset that you can position, rotate, and scale within an Unreal level:

  • Choice of view to display (31 available views, plus the possibility to display your custom view)
  • Choice of countries to highlight (Depending on the selected view, by selecting a single country or multiple countries in a datatable)
  • Display options for selected and non-selected countries (Display nothing, a color, or a visual from 9 available visuals)
  • Option to display the flags of the selected countries
  • Display the oceans among 4 available views or use a color
  • Two map formats available: rectangular without Antarctica or square with Antarctica
  • Two languages available for all labels: English or French
  • The map is visible in editor mode
  • Entry and exit animation for PLAY mode
  • Location of a place by copying its longitude and latitude coordinates from Google Maps
  • Location of multiple places, again with the help of Google Maps, stored in a datatable
  • Adjustment of colors and material properties for various elements: labels, frame, grid, borders, background of objects
  • Option to display borders or not. Possibility to display 3D borders on non-selected countries
  • Display of a title and/or subtitle

This project was made possible thanks to assets from Natural Earth (https://www.naturalearthdata.com/). The projection used is WGS84 Pseudo Mercator (EPSG:3857).

You can edit the data with the excel file that you can find here.

You can watch a video about the blueprint here


Modify "custom depth stencil pass" option by choosing "Enable with Stencil".

You need to enable the 3D Text plugin

Place "BP_World_Map" in a level and modify the variables:

  • Default: Animation and map update buttons for PLAY mode, the main variables allowing you to select countries, non-selected countries, background, visuals, formats, and languages
  • Country Selected: Select a country from a dropdown menu or use a datatable if you want to select multiple countries
  • Country Not Selected: Choose the color of the non-selected countries, their thickness
  • Background: Choose the background visual. If you select a color, choose it here
  • Localization: Show/hide location markers, choose location and enter its label. Select datatable to display multiple markers
  • Labels: Show or hide labels, modify the colors, adjust the label size offset
  • Frame: Modify the frame extrusion and color
  • Grid: Show/hide a grid, change its color
  • Borders: Show or hide 2D or 3D borders. Modify the color and materials of the borders
  • Back Face: Edit the color of the back faces of 3D objects
  • Title & Subtitle: Show/hide a title and/or subtitle, position them

Documentation in English or in french