Background Fantasy Set 100+

morgansovka - 2D 애셋 - 2023/06/08
평점 없음

A set of 100 + background fantasy images of nature and architecture.

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    5.2 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    에셋 팩
    이 제품은 기존 프로젝트에 임포트 가능한 언리얼 엔진 에셋의 모음을 포함하고 있습니다.

This set includes over 100 2D images of nature and architecture based on different seasons.

Various landscapes: mountains, forests, seas, lakes, deserts, fields, waterfalls, castles, villages, parks, altars, cemeteries, cities. Each image is 5824x3264 pixels.

This pack is ideal for use as visual novel backgrounds, character backgrounds, themed backgrounds, games and their loading page, dialogue page

기술적 세부사항


  • Resolutions 5824x3264 pixels
  • Number of Icons: 100+
  • Supported Development Platforms:
  • Windows: Yes
  • Mac: Yes