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Procedural Nature Generator

Rockam - 코드 플러그인 - 2021/07/05

Easy and lightweight plugin for procedural nature generation within the editor, using your own landscapes and assets.

$5.99로그인하여 구매
  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    4.26 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.3
  • 다운로드 유형
    엔진 플러그인
    이 제품은 코드 플러그인과 함께 미리 빌드한 바이너리와 언리얼 엔진에 통합되는 모든 소스 코드를 포함하고 있으며 원하시는 엔진 버전에 설치하여 프로젝트에 따라 활성화할 수 있습니다.

The Procedural Nature Generator (PNG) is an editor code plugin that aims to assist the user by procedurally creating thousands of natural elements and actors over a landscape actor in just a few seconds, using your own assets. 


PNG also provides modifiers and other settings that let you create exceptions on the landscape for certain assets generation. For example, you can use trees and grass assets, but configuring the plugin to avoid locating trees in a defined area or height.

All the assets shown in the gallery and videos are from other asset packs and from the starter content.


Example Project (UE4.26)

Support: norlun5@gmail.com

Disclaimer: this is an editor-only plugin, and therefore it CANNOT be used outside of the editor nor generate nature on runtime.

기술적 세부사항

Check the version notes here.

Main features:

  • Add a ton of nature elements and actors procedurally located, using your own assets.
  • Use the modifiers to avoid locating assets in specific places.
  • Use the height range to avoid locating assets in different heights.
  • Optimize the generated nature by easily tweaking the cull distance of the generated assets.

Code Modules:

  • ProceduralNatureGenerator (Runtime)

Number of core Blueprints: 6

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: All

Tested on: Windows 10/i7 6700K/GTX 1060/32GB DDR4 Ram