SuS - Social Deduction Game Template

SanyaSenju - 블루프린트 - 2022/11/26

Team detective game. The task of the crew members is to complete all the tasks or figure out the traitor until he kills everyone.

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.3
  • 다운로드 유형
    전체 프로젝트
    이 제품은 언리얼 엔진 프로젝트 전체 폴더와 함께 환경 설정 파일, 콘텐츠 파일 및 .uproject 파일을 포함하고 있으며 새로운 프로젝트를 생성할 때 템플릿으로 사용할 수 있습니다.

SuS - game template. Team detective game. The task of the crewmembers is to complete all the tasks or figure out the traitor until he kills everyone.

기술적 세부사항

VIDEO | DEMO (The minimum number of players for the game is 4 (during testing in the editor, crashes are possible, it is better to test in the build))

Features: There are several impostors (1-3) and crewmates (4-15).

  •  3D Lobby with settings for the server host.
  •  3 types of tasks (Common, Long, Short).
  •  Crewmates - Complete tasks or vote to expel impostors.
  • Impostors - Hinder and kill crewmates.
  • Interact with other players using voice and text chat (Only during voting).

Players can call a meeting by pressing the panic button or by reporting a corpse to start a vote and find the impostor.

To change the number of impostors, you need a minimum number of players:

1 Impostor - Minimum 4 players.

2 Impostors - Minimum 7 players.

3 Impostors - Minimum 9 players.

Number of Blueprints: 26

Network Replicated: Yes

Documentation: Link

Windows: Yes