Warplane System Pack

Game TCH - 블루프린트 - 2022/07/03

Eight pack for a military aircraft (F15 / F16 falcon / J8048 / Messerschmitt_Me-262 / MIG-15 / sopwith-camel / supermarine-spitfire / F22)

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    전체 프로젝트
    이 제품은 언리얼 엔진 프로젝트 전체 폴더와 함께 환경 설정 파일, 콘텐츠 파일 및 .uproject 파일을 포함하고 있으며 새로운 프로젝트를 생성할 때 템플릿으로 사용할 수 있습니다.
Video :
  1. TECHNICAL INFORMATION : https://youtu.be/ydcM-p2N1aw
  2. Game Play 1 : https://youtu.be/EiLHDhRzb54

Playable Demo :


  • All video content is recorded from the project itself
  • All Demo content are taken from the project itself

Eight pack for a military aircraft (F15 Raptor / F16 falcon / J8048 Old Aircraft / Messerschmitt_Me-262 / MIG-15 / sopwith-camel / supermarine-spitfire / F22 Raptor)

_F22 Aircraft : equipped with ( Movement, sound, shooting, missile, Hydraulic, Crash, Visual effect, Targeting , Target tracking ) system

The User-Interface includes ( Target / Ammo consumption / Speed / Altitude / Halthe )

_F16 Aircraft : equipped with ( Movement, sound, shooting, missile, Hydraulic, Crash, Visual effect, Targeting , Target tracking ) system

The User-Interface includes ( Target / Ammo consumption / Speed / Altitude / Halthe )

_F15 Aircraft : equipped with ( Movement, sound, shooting, missile, Hydraulic, Crash, Visual effect, Targeting , Target tracking ) system

The User-Interface includes ( Target / Ammo consumption / Speed / Altitude / Halthe )

_MIG-15 Aircraft : equipped with ( Movement, sound, shooting, missile, Hydraulic, Crash, Visual effect ) system

The User-Interface includes ( Ammo consumption / Speed / Altitude / Halthe )

_Supermarine Spitfire Aircraft : equipped with ( Movement, sound, shooting, Hydraulic, Crash, Visual effect ) system

The User-Interface includes ( Speed / Altitude / Halthe )

_Messerschmitt_Me262 Aircraft : equipped with ( Movement, sound, shooting, Hydraulic, Crash, Visual effect ) system

The User-Interface includes ( Speed / Altitude / Halthe )

_J8048 Old Aircraft : equipped with ( Movement, sound, shooting, Bomb, Hydraulic, Crash, Visual effect ) system

The User-Interface includes ( Ammo consumption / Speed / Altitude / Halthe )

_Sopwith-Camel Aircraft : equipped with ( Movement, sound, shooting, Bomb, Hydraulic, Crash, Visual effect ) system

The User-Interface includes ( Ammo consumption / Speed / Altitude / Halthe )

기술적 세부사항


  • Movement systems
  • Targeting system
  • Target tracking system
  • Crash system
  •  Audio effect
  • Shooting systems
  • Missile system
  • Animated jet fighter
  • Hidraulic systems
  • User-Interface

Collision : (No)

Number of Blueprints: 35

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms: (PC, MAC , Linux)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (PC, MAC , Linux)

Documentation: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/documentation-f-16-fighting-falcon-touch-input/503152

Important/Additional Notes:no