XG - 코드 플러그인 - 2024/05/06

This plugin helps you connect to Baidu and achieve a dialogue with Wenxin.

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    5.3 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    엔진 플러그인
    이 제품은 코드 플러그인과 함께 미리 빌드한 바이너리와 언리얼 엔진에 통합되는 모든 소스 코드를 포함하고 있으며 원하시는 엔진 버전에 설치하여 프로젝트에 따라 활성화할 수 있습니다.

This plugin helps you connect to Baidu and achieve a dialogue with Wenxin.



0.Important Things

If you don't create the Baidu App,you should create it.

After you create the App, you should enable corresponding function in your Baidu control panel,such as "ERNIE-4.0-8K".

You have to get some App informat,such as AppID,Token......

Be careful that some functions are not free.Howover,You can try it for free in a short time.

Baidu official website:


1.Browse the plugin information From document and UE.

You can quickly learn the functions and documentation for each API



You can choose streaming or non-streaming output.

You can enter the context of the conversation, or you can enter the question only once.

For the parameter list, refer to the official website.

You can keep the default for test.


This plugin does not contain any Baidu's files(\*.h,\*.cpp,\*.lib,......)

"ThirdParty/XGBaseModule" is just used to encrypt Information.It is "OpenSSL",which is the Library Statically linked.Any data will not send to the "OpenSSL" creator.(version:1.1.1t)

OpenSSL Website

OpenSSL license

This plugin does not contain AI code or AI Model code.

This plugin will not send any data to the plugin author.

This plugin was not developed by Baidu.

This plugin will only send the interactive data to Baidu and recieve the message from Baidu . This plugin will not generate any data directly.You must comply with the relevant user and data usage agreements about Baidu.These agreements can be found in the Baidu website.

If the plugin is useful for you. Please purchase it in Unreal Engine Marketplace.

Thanks a lot.

기술적 세부사항


  • The one BlueprintAsyncNode is provided to chat with Baidu.
  • Manny Settings From Baidu WebAPI are supported.
  • More methods will be added in the future.
  • These API are connected with Baidu Web API through WebSocket or HTTP.

Code Modules:

  • XGBDBase[Runtime]
  • XGBDCore[Runtime]
  • XGBDChat[Runtime]
  • XGBDLink[Runtime]

Number of Blueprints:0

Number of C++ Classes:5

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: README

Example Project: [Wait to upload]