
Essential Modular Material Functions

Digit-Atlantis - 材质 - 2024/06/13

Collection of 82 modular material functions essential to any project. They make it easy to create simple or complex materials and they are flexible thanks to their documented parameters. Game-ready, optimized material functions.

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    4.26 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • 下载类型

⚠️Please read the description and watch the trailer video before purchasing this asset pack.

✨ Use this collection of material functions to increase the visual quality of your projects: repeat textures as much as you want without noticeable tiling, make floating objects react properly to the waves of a stormy water mesh, make anything react to the wind realistically, make procedural circular UI elements, highlight objects, turn any mesh into a hologram, make meshes get sucked into a single point, etc.

Scalable for real-time performance and cutscene quality.

🎬 Watch the Trailer (music is not included in the pack).

✔️ Compatible with most meshes (static mesh / skeletal mesh, nanite / non nanite, tiny / big) with minimal effort. Easily customize via the well documented parameters.

🤯 No advanced shader/material knowledge required to use these material functions. The collection includes examples of materials using these functions. Just drag and drop or search for the material function you want in the material editor.

Does not require plug-ins.

⚙️ These material functions work in editor mode / play mode and in packaged builds.

I've only tested packaging for Windows but I can't think of any reason why this pack would not work on current gen consoles.

💬 Join the Discord community and access private channels linked to this pack.

❓ If you have questions, requests or need support in using this pack, the best approach is to post in the Questions tab of this page so that others can see my response as well. Otherwise please contact support@digit-atlantis.com and I’ll reply as soon as possible.

👍 Please leave a review on the marketplace to let me know what you think of this pack.


📝 Documentation

📦 Features:

  •  82 material functions with flexible parameters.
  •  Concrete examples of how to use these material functions in materials.
  • A blueprint to manage a water plane with Gerstner waves and share the wave data with objects floating on the water.
  • A Niagara VFX to showcase the material function for rounded rectangle particles.
  • A blueprint to fix an issue with distance field precision in UE5.

Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 42 Materials, 33 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 0

Number of Blueprints: 4

Number of Unique Effects: 1

Number of Unique Meshes: 1 high-poly water plane

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Network Replicated: No