
Dave Berg - 环境 - 2022/10/04

Green valley filled with green foliage growing on rocks and stones. These foliage assets are very fast to render so you can fill your world with them.

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    4.25 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
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Green valley filled with green foliage growing on rocks and stones.

These foliage assets are very fast to render so you can fill your world with them.

Video HERE

See my other asset videos HERE

See my other assets page HERE


Features: plants, rocks, stones, vistas

Number of Meshes: 36

Collision: Yes, generated in engine

Vertex Count:

  • 20 meshes - 54 vertices
  • 10 meshes - 225 - 1818 vertices
  • 6 meshes - 9762 - 38722 vertices

LODs: No (2 meshes have 4 lods, other only 1)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 7 Materials, 39 instances, 1 material function

Number of Textures: 74 + 2 textures for bird vertex animations

Texture Resolutions:

  1. 2 x 1K
  2. 1 x 2K
  3. 71 x 4k
  4. vertex animation textures 907x11 and 907x65

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Also included:

  1. 3 Blueprints (2 for camera shake, 1 for moving anysleceted actor along spline and conforming spline on collisions).
  2. 1 Niagara system (birds)
  3. 2 levels (1 overview and 1 demo, as seen in images and in video).
  4. 1 sequence (As seen in video).
  5. UE mannequin for demo purposes

Important/Additional Notes - Using BP's:

Camera shake - Drag to level and play

SplineWalker - Drag to level - in details set actor to be moved - play- spline will conform to collision