Horizon Decorative Collection 01 (Books)

30 Book models , 30 stacked book groups with fake covers, customizable materials, colors, UCX collisions, LOD's. Vertical flat, and reversed flat gizmo's. Useful for Architectural Visualization, VR, AR & Game applications.

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    4.26 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
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30 Books with fake cover textures without trademarks,

30 Stacked book groups for easier arrangements and configurations,

Colors variants are available for each book,

Textures are not baked and materials are easily and totally customizable,

***(You can also find Open-Layer PSD file for all textures in "SourceFiles" Folder Located in the content of the project)***

UCX collisions are accurate and 4 level architecture LOD's are included,

Each book has four meshes with gizmo's set for easy distribution in vertical, flat and display formations.

Stacked book groups are also created using single books available in the package.

You can also use material variants of each book for customizing its equivalent in the stacked book groups.

Our advanced lighting studio and the bookshelf are also available

Click Here To Find Decorative Collection 02 (Books)



·         423 Optimized mesh with LODs

·         Photo-realistic & customizable materials

·         30 books and 30 stacked book groups with variable themes and covers

Props scaled to Epic skeleton: (YES)

Texture Size: (4096x--- ) Varies based on book aspect ratios

Collision: Yes (UCX)

Vertex Count: (340,108 Verts for all 3d models) at highest LOD

Poly Count: (644,536 Tris for all 3d models) at highest LOD

LODs: Yes (All models include 4 (Level Architecture) LODs)

Number of Meshes: 423

Number of Materials and Material Instances: (610 Book materials) (3 Master pack material)

Number of Textures:65 (***Made for books***)

Supported Development Platforms: (All Platforms Except Mobile(IOS, Android,...))

Supported Target Build Platforms: (All Platforms Except Mobile(IOS, Android,...))