Impacts : Concrete And Rocks

ShashiRaj Productions - 音效 - 2024/05/15

Rock Solid Impacts - Foley Pack For Concrete & Solid Surface Hits

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.3 - 5.4
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Listen to the watermarked demo of some of the sounds:


This superior quality foley sound effects pack delivers powerful one-shot impacts on concrete and rocks. Each sound captures the initial attack or impact point, followed by the scattering of sand, pebbles, and tiny debris. Perfect for enhancing realism in video games, these high-quality audio assets add depth to scenes like crumbling structures, intense battles, or environmental hazards. 

Use Cases:

Battlefields: Enhance gunfire impacts on rocky terrain, adding realism to war zones.

Exploration Games: Create crumbling sounds as players traverse ancient ruins or abandoned buildings.

Platformers: Add weight to character jumps and landings on concrete surfaces.

Puzzle Games: Use debris scattering sounds to indicate hidden passages or secret areas.

Environmental Hazards: Warn players of falling rocks or collapsing structures.



Sounds are broadly categorized into two categories:-

Crunchy Impacts - 309 Sounds

Moderate Impacts - 320 Sounds

Number of Audio Waves: 629

Number of Audio Cues: 629

Sample rate / bit rate: 48 KHz 24 Bit

Minutes of audio provided: 12:20

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes