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Medieval Fantasy Combat

OscarLeites - 音乐 - 2024/04/21


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This music pack is designed for role-playing and action games, offering two main categories: light combat and heavy combat. Each track in this music pack comes in two versions: a loopable version and another version with a defined ending.

You can use it in any type of game project, personal or commercial. You may not resell or distribute this asset pack. Credits to Oscar Leites

Don't miss the opportunity to bring your fantasy world to life with the right music. Get this music pack today and make your players experience an unforgettable journey through magical and dangerous lands!

Music demonstration:




Track List:

Heavy Combat:

1 - Battleforge

2 - Elven Battle

3 - Mystic Melee

4 - Shadowstrike

5 - Paladin's Fury

6 - Dark Dominion

7 - Dragon's Roar

8 - Warlock's Wrath

9 - Thunderous Roar

10 - Sorcerer's Surge

11- Knight's Valor

12 - Warrior of the West

13 - Mystic Mayhem

16 - War Cry

17 - Charge Ahead!

18 - Clash of Swords

19 - Decisive Assault

20 - Imminent Ambush

Light Combat:

14 - Enchanted Clash

15 - Arcane Assault

Number of Audio Wavs: 15

Number of Audio Cues: 15

Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz/16 bit

Does music loop: Yes

Minutes of audio in loop provided: 22:13

Minutes of audio with defined ending provided: 24:48

Total minutes of audio provided: 47:01

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

My contact oscarfabianleites@gmail.com