
Multiplayer Harvesting Inventory Crafting System

Vexa - 蓝图 - 2024/06/22

A comprehensive template for multiplayer harvesting, inventory management, and crafting systems.

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.3 - 5.4
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Harvesting, inventory, and crafting system. Players can gather resources, manage their inventory, and craft various items in a dynamic, interactive environment. The template includes features like real-time synchronization, customizable item attributes, and a user-friendly interface, making it an ideal starting point for developers looking to build immersive multiplayer experiences.



🔹Add new items in data tables

🔹Drag & Drop

🔹Harvesting System: Trees, Rocks and Bushs

🔹Crafting System

🔹Inventory System

🔹Item rarity


🔹Tool Efficiency - A hatchet yields little wood, while an axe provides more, and vice versa.

🔹Customizable Recipes - Easily modifiable crafting recipes to suit different game needs.

Technical Details

🔹Network Replicated: Yes

🔹Number of Widget Blueprints: 13

🔹Number of Blueprints: 41

🔹Static/Skeletal Meshes: 11

🔹Input: Keyboard & Mouse

🔷Documentation -> Here (IMPORTANT!)

🔷Support Discord

🔷Video - Soon

🔷Demo - Soon