
Scifi Scroller Modules

Sergei Tsokalo - 环境 - 2024/06/26

This product gives hundreds of modular assets to build scifi base of any complexity.

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  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.3 - 5.4
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Video Showcase

This assets pack is best suitable for side scrollers and topdown, yet third person shooters can also look great with such assets detalization.

  • Materials are based on layers and can easily be tweaked;
  • No backed normal maps, AO, base color per asset which saves package size and reduces GPU memory consumption;
  • Meshes have properly setup UVs to give equal texel density;
  • Assets are packed into blueprints which creates different visual combinations; additional functionality is added to them;
  • Interaction system can be used for quick gameplay prototypes or expanded further;
  • Character is included into project;
  • Big showcase level is inside.


Number of Unique Meshes: 820

Collision: complex collision

Vertex Count: 4-9749

LODs: No (all assets are made for Nanite)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 269

Number of Textures: 110

Texture Resolutions: total 68: 64*64 (2), 128*128 (3), 256*256 (3), 512*512 (6), 1024*1024 (26), 2048*2048 (11), 4096*4096 (11)

Number of blueprints: 199

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Additional Notes:

  • This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.3+. Nanite Documentation
  • This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.3+. Lumen Documentation