
Spatial Query System

CGPath - 代码插件 - 2024/06/24

Fast system for finding all/nearest/farthest/random actors in a specific area

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.2 - 5.4
  • 下载类型

What if you need to quickly find the nearest, farthest, or random actors in a specific area, or create a trigger zone? - This system helps you!

At the core of the Spatial Query System lies a simplified collision detection system, utilizing spatial accelerators such as a 3D Spatial Hash Grid or Bounding Volume Hierarchy.

YouTube video | Documentation | Example Build Project (Windows)

  • Fast finding the nearest, farthest, or random actor in a given area
  • Quickly determines an actor's position, direction, and distance in a given area
  • Uses simplified forms to define Query Shapes (Point, Sphere, Box, Capsule) and Query Action (Sphere, Box, Sector)
  • Uses multithreading for updates and queries
  • Uses SIMD optimizations to improve simplified collision detection
  • For each check, the System has corresponding functions and their asynchronous analogs
  • Additional search filters, based on Gameplay Tag or a parameters setup (movement state, shape type)


Code Modules:

  •  SpatialQuerySystemEditor (Editor)
  •  SpatialQuerySystemPlugin (Runtime)

Number of C++ Classes: 10

Network Replicated: possibility of separate functionality Server/Client

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: Link

Example Project: Link

Simple setup playlist: Link