Wingsuit Glide Component

JSBGamesAssets - 蓝图 - 2023/05/03

A collection of animations and Blueprints for a Wingsuit Gliding system.

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    5.1 - 5.3
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A Wingsuit Actor Component - Add physics based Wingsuit Gliding to your project in minutes!


  • Animations and additive poses create smooth dynamic gliding motion.
  • Wingsuit parameters can be set on the component to alter how the wingsuit behaves.
  • Includes an adjustable Updraft Blueprint that can both push the player upwards when Wingsuit gliding and falling
  • Includes an adjustable Speed Boost portal that boosts the player forwards.
  • Boost system that allows player to boost forwards during Wingsuit gliding.
  • Gamepad Supported + Basic UI
  • Diving system - the player can dive towards the ground when gliding and falling.
  • Blueprints are commented.


  • Wingsuit Component Blueprint
  • Wingsuit Interface Blueprint
  • Updraft Blueprint
  • Boost Portal Blueprint
  • Character animations and AnimBP
  • Demo Character Blueprint
  • Adaptive audio, Cues, camera and effects
  • Demo Open World Map showcasing the system


Features: Blueprints and animations for a physics based Wingsuit gliding component system.

Number of Blueprints: 6 - Wingsuit Component, Wingsuit Interface, Updraft Blueprint, Boost Portal Blueprint, Character AnimBP, Example Character BP

Number of Animations: 16 (13 Poses used in blend spaces with Additive Animations + 2 additional animations created from Third Person Template example animations )

Input: Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Untested

Documentation: A PDF can be found inside the projects root directory.

Important/Additional Notes: Uses Enhanced Input UE 5.1+ This is a physics based Wingsuit system component that is added to a Character class. It is easily extensible.

Some sounds from