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UE3 Home > Unreal Engine 3 Basics > Unreal Editor Console Commands
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UE3 Home > Unreal Editor and Tools > Unreal Editor Console Commands
Unreal Editor Console Commands
exec [filename]
at the console.
Command List
General Commands
- BAKEANIMSETS – Iterates over all animation sets used in the level, creates copies of them, removes all unused animation sequences in the duplicates, and assigns the duplicates in place of the originals.
- BUGITGO [location] [rotation] – Moves all viewport cameras to the given location with the given rotation.
- BUILDLIGHTING – Rebuilds the lighting for the current map.
- CAMERA – General Camera commands
- ALIGN – Focuses all of the viewport cameras on selected actors
- NAME= - Focuses all of the viewport cameras on the actor with the given name.
- ACTIVEVIEWPORTONLY – Only focuses the active viewport.
- SNAP – Snaps the perspective viewport camera to the first selected actor.
- ALIGN – Focuses all of the viewport cameras on selected actors
- CHECKSOUNDS – Outputs information about all soundwaves marked by using the TAGSOUNDS command.
- CLASS SPEW [PACKAGE=package] – Exports all the scripts in the given package to the ExportedScript directory.
- CLEANBSPMATERIALS – Clears null BSP materials.
- CLEANUPOLDBUILDINGS – Rebuild all ProcBuildings in the map.
- CLEANUPOLDBUILDINGTEXTURES – Fixes up textures and materials associated with ProcBuildings with the wrong flags set.
- CTRLTAB – Brings up the Ctrl + Tab menu.
- DELETE – Deletes the selected actors.
- DETLIGHT - Toggles deterministic lighting mode for Lightmass builds.
- DUMPMODELGUIDS – Outputs the GUID of all models.
- DUMPPRIMITIVESTATS – Outputs a CSV file containing stats about primitives used in the level.
- DUMPSELECTION – Outputs lists of all selected actors and all selected objects.
- DUMPTHUMBNAILSTATS [option] – Outputs number of thumbnails in each package. Option can be:
- SHOWIMAGEDATA – Include data about thumbnail images.
- DUPLICATE – Duplicates the selected actors.
- EDCALLBACK – General editor callbacks
- FITTEXTURETOSURFACE – Adjusts the UVs of the selected surface(s) so that the material applied fits the surface(s).
- SELECTEDPROPS – Opens the Properties Window for the selected actor(s).
- SURFPROPS – Opens the Surface Properties Window for the selected surface(s).
- EDIT – General editing commands
- COPY – Copy the selection to the clipboard.
- CUT – Cut the selection to the clipboard.
- PASTE [TO=location] – Paste clipboard contents into the map. The location can be:
- HERE – Pastes the clipboard contents to the mouse location.
- ORIGIN – Pastes the clipboard contents to the world origin.
- EXEFILE [filename] – Execute a file containing a list of commands.
- EXPORTLOC [package] – Exports and generates the localization file for the given package.
- FARPLANE [DIST=dist] – Sets the far plane for rendering to the given distance.
- FIXBUILDINGLODS [building] – Fixes the LODs for the given ProcBuilding.
- FIXUPPROCBUILDINGLODQUADSAFTERSAVE – Fixes material pointers on ProcBuildings after saving the map.
- FORCEREALTIMECOMPRESSION [Package=package] – Forces the use of real-time compression on all sound waves within the given package.
- INSTCOMPOUNT – Outputs list of all InstancedStaticMeshComponents and how many instances of each are used.
- JUMPTO [location] – Moves all viewport cameras to the given location.
- LIGHTMASSDEBUG – Toggles whether Lightmass is launched automatically or must be launched manually.
- LIGHTMASSSTATS – Toggles whether participating Lightmass agents report detailed stats to the log.
- LMDEBUGMAT – Toggles whether Lightmass will output BMP images for each generated material property sample to the Screenshots\Materials directory.
- LMDEBUGPAD – Toggles debug padding of lightmaps by Lightmass.
- LMIMM - Toggles whether mappings are imported, but not processed, immediately as they complete.
- LMIMMEDIATE – Toggles whether mappings are imported, but not processed, immediately as they complete.
- LMIMP – Toggles whether mappings are processed as they are imported. Requires immediate mode to be enabled.
- LMPADDING – Toggles padding of mappings by Lightmass.
- LMSORT – Toggles whether mappings are sorted by texel cost.
- OBJ – General object commands
- EXPORT [PACKAGE=package] [TYPE=type] [FILE=file] [NAME=name] – Export the object of the given type with the given name to the specified file.
- RENAME [OLDPACKAGE=oldpackage] [OLDGROUP=oldgroup] [OLDNAME=oldname] [NEWPACKAGE=newpackage] [NEWGROUP=newgroup] [NEWNAME=newname] – Renames the object matching the old package, old group, and old name to the new package, new group, and new name.
- SAVEPACKAGE [FILE=file] [PACKAGE=package] – Save the given package to the specified file.
- PARTICLE – General particle commands
- RESET – Restarts a particle system or particle systems in the level.
- ALL – Resets all particle systems.
- SELECTED – Resets only the selected particle system.
- RESET – Restarts a particle system or particle systems in the level.
- PIVOT – General pivot commands
- CENTERSELECTION – Moves pivot of the selection to the center point of all selected actors.
- HERE – Moves the pivot of the selection to mouse location.
- SNAPPED – Moves the pivot of the selection to the mouse location, but snapped to the grid.
- PREFAB SELECTACTORSINPREFAB – Selects all the actors that make up the selected prefab instance.
- PROCBUILDINGUPDATE [building] – Updates the given ProcBuilding.
- PRUNEANIMSETS – Iterates over all used animation sets and trims sequences off of the beginning or ending which are not used. Should only be used after running BAKEANIMSETS.
- QUIT_EDITOR – Exits the editor.
- REMOVECOOKEDPS3AUDIO [PACKAGE=package] – Removes all cooked PS3 audio data for sound waves in the given package.
- SAVEBRUSHASCOLLISION – Saves the builder brush geometry as the currently selected static mesh’s collision geometry.
- SELECT – General selection commands
- BUILDERBRUSH – Selects the builder brush.
- NONE – Deselects all actors.
- SELECTDYNAMIC – Selects all actors which have terrain, static mesh, or skeletal mesh components and are not set up to use static or pre-computed lighting and are visible in-game.
- SELECTNAME [NAME=name] – Select actors with names matching the given name.
- SETDETAILMODE [MODE=mode] – Sets the detail mode to be used for the selected actors.
- SETDETAILMODEVIEW [MODE=mode] – Set the detail mode to be used for rending.
- SETREPLACEMENT [COMPONENT=component] [CLASS=class] – Replaces the components of the selected actors with the specified component (mandatory). If a class is specified, only components matching that class are replaced.
- SETSHADOWPARENT – Forcibly sets the first selected dynamic actor as the shadow parent of all remaining selected dynamic actors. Requires at least 2 dynamic actors to be selected.
- SKELETALMESH – General skeletal mesh commands
- CHARBITS [OFFSET=offset] [ORIENTATION=orientation] – Sets the offset and orientation for all skeletal meshes in the currently selected packages. (Only works with Generic Browser)
- SWARMDISTRIBUTION – Toggles whether to enable Swarm distribution for jobs.
- TAGSOUNDS – Marks all sound waves for debugging purposes/
- TOGGLEDETERMINISTICLIGHTING – Toggles deterministic lighting mode for Lightmass builds.
- TRANSACTION – Undo and redo commands
- REDO – Performs the last undone operation.
- UNDO – Undoes the last performed operation.
- UNMOUNTALLFACEFX – Unmounts all FaceFX assets unless currently open in the FaceFX editor.
Actor Commands
- ACTOR – General actor commands
- ADD [CLASS=class] [SNAP=snap] – Adds a new actor of the given class to the map with optional snapping.
- ALIGN – Snaps all vertices to the grid.
- MOVETOGRID – Snaps all selected actors to the nearest grid point.
- ORIGIN – Moves selected actors to the world origin.
- SNAPTOFLOOR – Snaps the selected actors to the nearest surface directly below them.
- BAKEPREPIVOT – Sets the current pivot location as the PrePivot of all selected actors.
- CREATE_BV_BOUNDINGBOX [SNAPTOGRID=snap] – Creates a blocking volume from the bounding box of the selected static meshes with optional snapping.
- CREATE_BV_CONVEXVOLUME [SNAPTOGRID=snap] [NORMALTOLERANCE=tolerance] [NLIMITTX=limitx] [NLIMITY=limity] [NLIMITZ=limitz] – Creates a blocking volume from a convex volume containing the selected static meshes using the given normal tolerance and limits with optional snapping.
- DELETE – Deletes selected actors.
- DESELECT – Deselects everything in the world.
- DUPLICATE – Creates copies of all selected actors.
- FIND KISMET – Find the selected actors in Kismet.
- HIDE – Hides actors in the editor.
- SELECTED – Only hides selected actors.
- STARTUP – Hides selected actors at startup.
- UNSELECTED – Only hides the unselected actors.
- SELECTED – Only hides selected actors.
- LEVELCURRENT – Makes the level containing the selected actors the current level.
- LEVELGRIDVOLUMECURRENT – Sets the level grid volume of the selected actors as the current level grid volume if all selected actors belong to the same level grid volume.
- LINKSELECTED – Links the selected actors if they implement the LinkSelection interface.
- MIRROR [scaleVector] – Mirror the selected actors applying the given scale.
- MOVETOCURRENT - Moves the selected actors to the current level.
- REPLACE – Replaces selection.
- BRUSH – Replace the selected brushes with the default brush.
- CLASS= - Replaces the selected actors with an instance of the given class.
- RESET – Resets certain properties of selected actors.
- ALL - Resets location, pivot, rotation, and scale of selected actors.
- LOCATION – Resets the location of the selected actors.
- PIVOT – Resets the pivot of the selected actors.
- ROTATION – Resets the rotation of the selected actors.
- SCALE – Resets the scale of the selected actors.
- SELECT – Actor selection commands.
- ALL – Selects all actors.
- FROMOBJ – Selects all actors of the same class, or with matching static mesh, or with matching speedtree as the current selection.
- BASED – Selects all actors based on the current selection.
- BYPROPERTY – Select actors with matching property values.
- DELETED – Select all actors in the map marked for deletion.
- INVERT – Inverts the current selection.
- KISMETREF [referenced] – Selects actors referenced or not referenced by Kismet depending on the value of referenced. A value of 1 means select referenced.
- MATCHINGEMITTER - Select all actors of the same class and with a particle system matching that used by the current selection.
- MATCHINGPROCBUILDINGRULESETS - Select all actors of the same class and with a ProcBuilding rule set matching that used by the current selection.
- MATCHINGSKELETALMESH - Select all actors of the same class and with a skeletal mesh matching that used by the current selection.
- ALLCLASSES – Removes the same class restriction.
- MATCHINGSTATICMESH – Select all actors of the same class and with a static mesh matching that used by the current selection.
- ALLCLASSES – Removes the same class restriction.
- NAME= - Select the actor with the given name.
- NONE – Deselects all actors.
- OFCLASS [CLASS=class] – Selects all actors of the same class as the current selection.
- OFSUBCLASS [Class=class] – Selects all actors of the same class as the current selection or a subclass thereof.
- RELEVANTLIGHTS – Selects the relevant lights for all of the currently selected actors.
- ALL – Selects all actors.
- SYNCBROWSER – Finds the asset used by the selected actor(s) in the browser if possible.
- TOGGLE LOCKMOVEMENT – Toggles whether the selected actors can be transformed with the transform widget.
- UNBAKEPREPIVOT – Resets the PrePivot of all selected actors to (0,0,0).
- UNHIDE – Unhides actors in the editor.
- ALL – Unhides all actors.
- STARTUP – Unhides all actors at startup.
- SELECTED – Only unhides the selected actors.
- STARTUP - Unhides selected actors at startup.
- ALL – Unhides all actors.
- UNLINKSELECTED – Unlinks the selected actors if they implement the LinkSelection interface.
- UPDATE – Updates the selected actors.
Editor Mode Commands
- MODE – General mode commands
- ALWAYSSHOWTERRAIN= - Enables or disables always rendering terrain in the overhead 2D view.
- CAMERAMOVE – Sets the editor into camera mode (the default mode).
- COVEREDIT – Sets the editor into cover editing mode.
- GEOMETRY – Sets the editor into geometry mode.
- GRID= - Enables or disables the snapping grid.
- MESHPAINT – Sets the editor into mesh painting mode.
- ROTGRID= - Enables or disables the rotation grid.
- SELECTIONLOCK= - Enables or disables selecting or deselecting of actors.
- SHOWBRUSHMARKERPOLYS= - Enables or disables display of marker polygons on the builder brush and volumes.
- SNAPDIST= - Sets the snapping distance tolerance.
- SNAPVERTEX= - Enables or disables snapping to vertices.
- SPEED= - Sets the camera movement speed.
- STATICMESH – Sets the editor into static mesh placement mode.
- TERRAINEDIT – Sets the editor into terrain editing mode.
- TEXTURE – Sets the editor into texture alignment mode.
- USEACTORROTATIONGIZMO= - Enables or disables the actor rotation gizmo (Deprecated?)
- USESIZINGBOX= - Enables or disables the display of sizing information in the top left corner of the viewports.
- WIDGETCOORDSYSTEMCYCLE –Cycles through the available coordinate systems, i.e. Local and World.
- WIDGETMODECYCLE - Cycles the transform widget through the available options.
Map Commands
- MAP – General map commands
- BRUSH - Brush commands
- GET – Replaces the builder brush shape with the first selected brush shape.
- PUT – Replaces all selected brushes with the current builder brush shape.
- CHECK – Perform a map check for errors.
- DONTCLEARMESSAGES – Does not clear the map check dialog.
- DONTDISPLAYDIALOG – Does not display the map check dialog after the check.
- CHECKDEP - Perform a map check for deprecated references only.
- DONTCLEARMESSAGES – Does not clear the map check dialog.
- DONTDISPLAYDIALOG – Does not display the map check dialog after the check.
- IMPORT [FILE=file] – Imports the given file into a new map.
- IMPORTADD [FILE=file] – Imports the given file into the current map additively.
- LOAD [FILE=file] [STREAMVL=streamvl] – Load the specified map file. Semicolon separated list of streaming maps to load.
- REBUILD – Map rebuilding commands
- ALLDIRTYFORLIGHTING – Rebuilds only the CSG geometry that is out of date.
- ALLVISIBLE – Rebuilds all visible CSG geometry.
- ROTGRID [PITCH=pitch] [YAW=yaw] [ROLL=roll] – Sets the rotation grid snap setting to the specified pitch value.
- SCALE [FACTOR=factor] [ADJUSTLIGHTS=adjustlights] [SCALESPRITES=scalesprites] [SCALELOCATIONS=scalelocations] [SCALECOLLISION=scalecollision] – Scales the map by the given factor using the given parameters.
- SELECT – Selection commands
- ADDS – Selects all additive brushes.
- NONSOLIDS – Selects all non-solid brushes.
- SEMISOLIDS – Selects all semi-solid brushes.
- SUBTRACTS – Selects all subtractive brushes.
- SENDTO – Brush order commands
- FIRST – Sends all selected brushes to the front of the hierarchy.
- LAST – Sends all selected brushes to the back of the hierarchy.
- SWAP – Swaps the first two selected brushes’ positions in the hierarchy.
- BRUSH - Brush commands
CSG Brush Commands
- BRUSH - General CSG brush commands
- ADD [FLAGS=flags] – Create a new additive brush with the given flags.
- ADDVOLUME[CLASS=class] – Create a new volume of the given class.
- EXPORT [FILE=file] - Export the selected brush to the given file.
- DEINTERSECTION – Create new brush from de-intersection of contained brushes.
- INTERSECTION – Create new brush from intersection of contained brushes.
- IMPORT [FILE=file] - Import a brush from the given file.
- LOAD [FILE=file] - Load a new brush from the given file.
- MERGEPOLYS – Merges the selected faces of the current brush.
- MOVEREL [vector] – Move the selected brush the given amount in each axis.
- MOVETO [vector] – Move the selected brush to the given location.
- NEW – Create a new empty builder brush.
- RESET – Resets the builder brush to initial state.
- SAVE [FILE=file] - Save the selected brush to the given file.
- SCALE [vector] – Scales the selected brush with the given scale.
- SEPARATEPOLYS – Separates the selected faces from the current brush.
- SUBTRACT – Create a new subtractive brush.
Static Mesh Commands
- STATICMESH – General static mesh commands
- FROM SELECTION [PACKAGE=package] [NAME=name] – Creates a new static mesh from the selected brush in the given package with the given name
- REBUILD – Forces a rebuild of the selected static mesh.
- SMOOTH – Sets smoothing mask of all triangles in selected static mesh to 1.
- TO BRUSH – Uses first selected static mesh to create a new builder brush shape.
- UNSMOOTH – Sets the smoothing mask of all triangles in the selected static mesh to 0.
CSG Surface Commands
- POLY – CSG surface commands
- SELECT – Surface selection commands
- ADJACENT – Adjacent surface selection commands
- ALL – Selects all adjacent surfaces to the currently selected surfaces.
- CEILINGS – Selects all adjacent ceiling surfaces (surfaces with normals pointing down) to the currently selected surfaces.
- COPLANAR – Selects all adjacent surfaces to the currently selected surfaces which share the same plane.
- FLOORS - Selects all adjacent floor surfaces (surfaces with normals pointing up) to the currently selected surfaces.
- SLANTS - Selects all adjacent slant surfaces (surfaces that are not walls or floors or ceilings according to their normals) to the currently selected surfaces.
- WALLS – Select all adjacent upright surfaces, i.e. like walls.
- ALL – Selects all surfaces.
- MATCHING – Select surfaces with specific matching criteria.
- BRUSH – Selects all surfaces belonging to the same brush as the currently selected surfaces.
- GROUPS – Selects all surfaces belonging to any brush contained within the same group as the brush which contains the currently selected surfaces.
- RESOLUTION – Selects surfaces whose lightmap resolution matches that of any surface currently selected.
- CURRENT – Only selects surfaces contained in the same level as the currently selected surfaces.
- TEXTURE – Selects surfaces with the same material applied.
- INTERSECT – Replace the current selection with only the surfaces which are both currently selected and contained within the saved selection in memory.
- RECALL – Replace the current selection with the selection saved in memory.
- SET – Save the current selection to memory.
- UNION – Add the selection of surfaces saved in memory to the current selection.
- XOR – Replace the current selection with only the surfaces that are not in both the current selection and the selection saved in memory.
- NONE – Deselect all surfaces.
- REVERSE – Invert the current selection.
- ZONE – Select surfaces contained within the same zone as any currently selected surface.
- ADJACENT – Adjacent surface selection commands
- SET – Sets surface properties.
- CLEARFLAGS= - Unsets the given flags on the currently selected surfaces.
- SETFLAGS= - Sets the given flags on the currently selected surfaces.
- TEXTURE= - Applies the given material to the selected surfaces.
- SETMATERIAL – Set the material applied to the currently selected surfaces using the first selected material in the Content Browser.
- TEXMULT [UU=uu] [UV=uv] [VU=vu] [VV=vv] – Sets the scaling of the material on the currently selected surfaces relative to the current values.
- TEXPAN [U=u] [V=v] – Pans the material on the currently selected surfaces by the given amounts.
- RESET – Resets the panning on the surfaces before applying the new values.
- TEXSCALE [UU=uu] [UV=uv] [VU=vu] [VV=vv] – Sets the scaling of the material on the currently selected surfaces.
- RELATIVE – Scales relative to current values.
- SELECT – Surface selection commands