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UE3 Home > Matinee & Cinematics > Movie Capture
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Movie Capture


There are two ways to do AVI movie captures, either in-game or a matinee capture through the Unreal editor. This document covers both of the capture techniques and their uses.

In-game Movie Captures

There are two ways to trigger a movie capture in-game, either through console commands or through key presses. It is recommended that the game is run at fixed-step in order to process each frame without skipping any frames and for best playback quality:

UDK.exe UDN_FeaturesDemo -BENCHMARK -FPS=30

The resulting movie file will be located in the MovieCaptures directory of your game's installation folder. For UDK users, this would be something like:

C:\UDK\[UDK Version]\UDKGame\MovieCaptures

In-Game Capture Commands

The movie capture can be started or stopped in-game using the console commands or keyboard shortcuts shown below:

Function Console COmmand Keyboard Shortcut
Start Capture startmoviecapture Alt + R
Stop Capture stopmoviecapture Shift + R

Matinee Movie Captures

To capture a matinee to a movie, open up UnrealMatinee and select the "Create a Movie" button that is located in the Tool Bar:


At this time the following dialog window will show up:


Capture Type
Specifies whether the capture will be output to an image sequence or a video file.
  • AVI - Output the capture to a video file which is stored inside the game's installation MovieCaptures folder
  • Screen Shots - Output the capture to an sequence of image files which are stored inside the game's installation ScreenShots folder
Capture Resolution
Specifies the resolution which the matinee will be captured at. The larger the resolution the longer the capture will take.
The frames per second that the matinee will be captured at.
Close the editor when the capture starts
If enabled, the editor will close once the capture starts.

Turn on Cinematic Mode
If enabled, the game will be put into cinematic mode when the capture starts according to the settings below.
  • Disable Movement - If checked, player movement will be disabled.
  • Disable Turning - If checked, player turning will be disabled
  • Hide Player - If checked, the player's mesh visibility will be toggled off.
  • Disable Input - If checked, all player input will be disabled.
  • Hide HUD - If checked, the HUD's visibility will be toggled off.

Audio capture

Audio capture is not currently supported with the movie capture feature. See the Capturing Sound section of Capturing Cinematics And Gameplay for more information on capturing, editing, and compositing sound with the captured video or frames.