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Mesh Export Tools
Document Summary: This is the main page for the Unreal Engine 2 mesh and animation exporter ActorX for 3DS Max, Maya, and XSI.Contents
The ActorX plugins are used to export skeletal meshes and their animations to binary file formats (.psk and .psa, respectively) that the Unreal Editor can import. The Maya and XSI plugins also provide tools to export static meshes to .ase (.ase is implicitly supported by Max). Check this page regularly as we will do our best to provide updated versions of the plugin for most major applications, as priorities allow. For licensees, if you absolutely can't wait, you can ask a programmer on your team to update the plugin based on the source, as most code changes should be straightforward. For source code, Unreal Technology licensees can check the official FTP site or source control.ActorX Mesh Exporter Downloads
3DS Max Exporter Plugins
Version | Download |
3ds Max 2011 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Max2011_32bit.zip |
3ds Max 2011 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Max2011_64bit.zip |
3ds Max 2010 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Max2010_32bit.zip |
3ds Max 2010 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Max2010_64bit.zip |
3ds Max 2009 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Max2009_32bit.zip |
3ds Max 2009 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Max2009_64bit.zip |
3ds Max 2008 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Max2008_32bit.zip |
3ds Max 2008 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Max2008_64bit.zip |
3ds Max 9 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Max90_32bit.zip |
3ds Max 9 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Max90_64bit.zip |
Version | Download |
3ds Max 8 | ActorX_220_Max8.zip |
3ds Max 7 | ActorX_220_Max7.zip |
3ds Max 6, CStudio 4.2 | ActorX_220_Max6.zip |
3ds Max 5.0,5.1, CStudio 3.4 & 4.0 | ActorX_220_Max5.zip |
3ds Max 4.2, CStudio 3.2 | ActorX_220_Max42.zip |
3ds Max 4, CStudio 3.x | ActorX_220_Max40.zip |
3ds Max 3.1, CStudio 2.2 | Actorx31CS22.zip |
3ds Max 3.1, CStudio 3.0 ( update 1.99h ) | ActorX31CS30h.zip |
3ds Max 3.1, CStudio 3.0 | Actorx31CS30.zip |
- 7/01/03 version 2.10c Fix for anyone experiencing the "plugin failed to initialize" error.
- 7/19/03 version 2.11 Fixed a skeletal mesh smoothing-group vertex splitting bug.
- 9/30/03 version 2.12 Fixed output path bug in vertex animation saving.
- 12/29/03 version 2.12b Recompiled Max 6 plugin to fix reported compatibility issues.
- 5/20/04 version 2.14b Now treats point helpers the same as dummies in skeletal geometry.
- 7/07/04 version 2.15 Experimental fix to avoid the "plugin fails to initialize" error.
- 10/20/04 version 2.16 Duplicate bone name warning added, obsolete options cleaned up.
- 11/19/04 version 2.18 Added MaxScript exposure of all main export commands.
- 1/22/05 version 2.19 Vertex export: fixed append-to-existing feature, added animation data compatibility checks.
- 8/09/05 version 2.20 Fixed crash in VActor::LoadAnimation.
- 2/12/08 version 2.20a Fixed garbage padding data in animation binary files.
- 2/10/08 version 2.20b Altered layout to use wider name fields/columns for Max and Maya plugins.
- 3/11/09 Fixed material order to be same in Material Editor for 3ds Max when exported
Maya Exporter Plugins
Version | Download |
Maya 2011 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya2011_32bit.zip |
Maya 2011 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya2011_64bit.zip |
Maya 2010 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya2010_32bit.zip |
Maya 2010 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya2010_64bit.zip |
Maya 2009 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya2009_32bit.zip |
Maya 2009 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya2009_64bit.zip |
Maya 2008 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya2008_32bit.zip |
Maya 2008 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya2008_64bit.zip |
Maya 8.5 (32-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya85_32bit.zip |
Maya 8.5 (64-bit) | ActorX_249_Maya85_64bit.zip |
Version | Download |
Maya 8 | ActorXTool_Maya80_244.zip |
Maya 7 | ActorXTool_Maya70_244.zip |
Maya 6.5 | ActorXTool_Maya65_244.zip |
Maya 6 | ActorXTool_Maya60_244.zip |
Maya 5.0/5.0.1 | ActorXTool_Maya50_244.zip |
Maya 4.5 | ActorXTool_Maya45_244.zip |
Maya 4 | ActorXTool_Maya40_244.zip |
Maya 3 (legacy) | ActorxTool3.mll |
- 7/19/03 version 2.23 Fixed a skeletal mesh smoothing-group vertex splitting bug.
- 8/30/03 version 2.24 Added "axexecute" non-interactive command line based export functionality (see ActorXMayaTutorial)
- 9/20/03 version 2.26 Improves conversion of edge hardness to smoothing groups.
- 11/24/03 version 2.29 Fixes some of the Mel-only command crashes.
- 2/10/04 version 2.30 Fixes bugs with missing popup notifcations after using Mel-only export features.
- 7/26/04 version 2.33 Adds support for static mesh multi-UV and vertex coloring.
- 8/02/04 version 2.34 Fixes bugs in multi-UV/vertex color export.
- 9/15/04 version 2.35 Staticmesh export: adds consolidation option & fixes multi-UV.
- 10/13/04 version 2.36 Optimized conversion algorithm for edge hardness to smoothing groups.
- 10/20/04 version 2.37 Duplicate bone name warning added, obsolete options cleaned up.
- 1/14/05 version 2.40 Auto-triangulation smoothing groups issue fixed; .ase output made more compliant.
- 1/17/05 version 2.41 Fixed a staticmesh export crash bug; removed the obsolete "axBrush" .t3d export feature.
- 1/22/05 version 2.42 Vertex export: fixed append-to-existing feature, added animation data compatibility checks.
- 3/07/05 version 2.43 Fixed bug in 'noexport' and 'ignore' code that was causing hidden subhierarchies to still export.
- 8/09/05 version 2.44 Fixed crash in VActor::LoadAnimation.
- 1/21/08 version 2.45 Fixed vertically flipped UVs on static meshes.
- 2/12/08 version 2.45a Fixed garbage padding data in animation binary files.
- 2/10/08 version 2.45b Altered layout to use wider name fields/columns for Max and Maya plugins.
- 3/11/09 version 2.46 Added blendshape curve support for Maya 8.5-2009
- 7/07/09 version 2.46a Added batch morphtarget(blendshape) export support for Maya 8.5-2009
XSI Exporter Plugins
NOTE: support for the XSI exporter plugins is provided by XSI themselves. You can contact them at: si-supp@softimage.com or for Japanese support: siINFOjp@softimage.com See install instructions in ActorXXSITutorial.Version | Download |
XSI 6.5 (32 bit) beta 2.01 | ActorX_XSI65_beta2_32bit.zip |
XSI 6.5 (64 bit) beta 2.01 | ActorX_XSI65_beta2_64bit.zip |
XSI 5.0-5.1 | ActorX.05012006.zip |
XSI 5.0 | ActorX.01202006.zip |
XSI 4.0 and 4.2 | ActorX_XSI40_101.zip |
XSI 4.0 and 4.2 | ActorX_XSI40_100e.zip |
- 12/17/07 version beta 1.0 Initial beta version of ActorX for XSI 6.5
- 01/10/08 version beta 2.0:
- ASE and PSK export preserves cluster material index polygon assignment
- PSK export using "Skin Export | all selected" will use selected geometry and associated deformers for export.
- Frame range set from UI is now working, which means that if you specify 1-30 it will export frames 1-30.
- Animation sequence name specified through the UI will show up in the animation manager after digesting animation.
- 01/18/08 version beta 2.01:
- Fixed minor bug with material clusters.
- 05/01/06 version 05012006 Fix for multimaterial display on animated meshes, enabling the usage of multiple material slot.
- 01/14/05 version 1.00 First Beta test version.
- 02/14/05 version 1.00e Fixed multi-UV export and GUI issues. First release candidate.
- 05/10/05 version 1.01 Fixed bug where multiple materials were ignored in .ASE exports.
- 03/13/06 Fixed bug where transferring animation data to an existing PSA caused a crash.