
class unreal.MagicLeapRaycastQueryParams(position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], direction=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], up_vector=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], width=0, height=0, horizontal_fov_degrees=0.0, collide_with_unobserved=False, user_data=0)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Parameters for a raycast request.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MagicLeap

  • Module: MagicLeap

  • File: RaycastComponent.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • collide_with_unobserved (bool): [Read-Write] If true, a ray will terminate when encountering an unobserved area and return a surface or

    the ray will continue until it ends or hits an observed surface.

  • direction (Vector): [Read-Write] Direction of the ray to fire.

  • height (int32): [Read-Write] The number of vertical rays. For single point raycast, set this to 1.

  • horizontal_fov_degrees (float): [Read-Write] The angular width, in degrees, over which the horizonal rays are evenly distributed to create a raycast area.

  • position (Vector): [Read-Write] Where the ray is cast from.

  • up_vector (Vector): [Read-Write] Up vector of the ray to fire. This is used to orient the area the rays are cast over.

  • user_data (int32): [Read-Write] User data for this request. The same data will be included in the result for query identification.

  • width (int32): [Read-Write] The number of horizontal rays. For single point raycast, set this to 1.

property collide_with_unobserved

[Read-Write] If true, a ray will terminate when encountering an unobserved area and return a surface or the ray will continue until it ends or hits an observed surface.



property direction

[Read-Write] Direction of the ray to fire.



property height

[Read-Write] The number of vertical rays. For single point raycast, set this to 1.



property horizontal_fov_degrees

[Read-Write] The angular width, in degrees, over which the horizonal rays are evenly distributed to create a raycast area.



property position

[Read-Write] Where the ray is cast from.



property up_vector

[Read-Write] Up vector of the ray to fire. This is used to orient the area the rays are cast over.



property user_data

[Read-Write] User data for this request. The same data will be included in the result for query identification.



property width

[Read-Write] The number of horizontal rays. For single point raycast, set this to 1.

