
class unreal.SlateBrush(image_size=[32.0, 32.0], margin=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], tint_color=[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], SlateColorStylingMode.USE_COLOR_SPECIFIED], resource_object=None, draw_as=SlateBrushDrawType.IMAGE, tiling=SlateBrushTileType.NO_TILE, mirroring=SlateBrushMirrorType.NO_MIRROR)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

An brush which contains information about how to draw a Slate element

//, meta = (HasNativeMake = “”))

C++ Source:

  • Module: SlateCore

  • File: SlateBrush.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • draw_as (SlateBrushDrawType): [Read-Write] How to draw the image

  • image_size (Vector2D): [Read-Write] Size of the resource in Slate Units

  • margin (Margin): [Read-Write] The margin to use in Box and Border modes

  • mirroring (SlateBrushMirrorType): [Read-Write] How to mirror the image in Image mode. This is normally only used for dynamic image brushes where the source texture

    comes from a hardware device such as a web camera.

  • resource_object (Object): [Read-Write] The image to render for this brush, can be a UTexture or UMaterialInterface or an object implementing the AtlasedTextureInterface.

  • tiling (SlateBrushTileType): [Read-Write] How to tile the image in Image mode

  • tint_color (SlateColor): [Read-Write] Tinting applied to the image.

property draw_as

[Read-Write] How to draw the image



property image_size

[Read-Write] Size of the resource in Slate Units



property margin

[Read-Write] The margin to use in Box and Border modes



property mirroring

[Read-Write] How to mirror the image in Image mode. This is normally only used for dynamic image brushes where the source texture comes from a hardware device such as a web camera.



property resource_object

[Read-Write] The image to render for this brush, can be a UTexture or UMaterialInterface or an object implementing the AtlasedTextureInterface.



property texture_object

‘texture_object’ was renamed to ‘resource_object’.



property tiling

[Read-Write] How to tile the image in Image mode



property tint_color

[Read-Write] Tinting applied to the image.

