
class unreal.VehicleDifferential4WData

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Vehicle Differential 4WData

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: PhysXVehicles

  • Module: PhysXVehicles

  • File: WheeledVehicleMovementComponent4W.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • centre_bias (float): [Read-Write] Maximum allowed ratio of average front wheel rotation speed and rear wheel rotation speeds (range: 1..inf, works only with LimitedSlip_4W)

  • differential_type (VehicleDifferential4W): [Read-Write] Type of differential

  • front_bias (float): [Read-Write] Maximum allowed ratio of front-left and front-right wheel rotation speeds (range: 1..inf, works only with LimitedSlip_4W, LimitedSlip_FrontDrive)

  • front_left_right_split (float): [Read-Write] Ratio of torque split between front-left and front-right (>0.5 means more to front-left, <0.5 means more to front-right, works only with 4W and LimitedSlip_FrontDrive)

  • front_rear_split (float): [Read-Write] Ratio of torque split between front and rear (>0.5 means more to front, <0.5 means more to rear, works only with 4W type)

  • rear_bias (float): [Read-Write] Maximum allowed ratio of rear-left and rear-right wheel rotation speeds (range: 1..inf, works only with LimitedSlip_4W, LimitedSlip_FrontDrive)

  • rear_left_right_split (float): [Read-Write] Ratio of torque split between rear-left and rear-right (>0.5 means more to rear-left, <0.5 means more to rear-right, works only with 4W and LimitedSlip_RearDrive)