Slate Insights Overview

Overview of Slate Insights, an extension of Unreal Insights that helps users debug Slate and Unreal Motion Graphics (UMG).

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While developing the user-interface (UI) for applications, UI programmers can have a difficult time finding the source of changes that trigger UI updates.

With the release of 4.26, the Slate Insights plugin extends Unreal Insights to help developers improve the performance of their UI by giving them tools to identify the root cause of a specific Slate and UMG update.

SlateFrame.png Slate Frame View running in Slate Insights

While using the Slate Insights plugin, developers can use Slate Frame View to get a list of widgets being painted, invalidated, or updated per frame. Slate Insights enables developers to debug and optimize their UI.


To begin using Slate Insights in the editor, you can either enable the plugin from inside the editor or from the *.uproject file. To enable the Slate Insights plugin from the editor, locate it under Editor > Plugins > Built-In > Slate Insights .


Otherwise, enable the plugin from the project's *.uproject file.

"FileVersion": 3,
"EngineAssociation": "{2118FE05-4070-6D80-44FC-17A9E96EAE93}",
"Category": "",
"Description": "",
"Plugins": [
        "Name": "SlateInsights",
        "Enabled": true


After enabling the plugin, follow these steps to trace data for Slate Insights.

  1. Open the game project in the editor, and open Editor Preferences .

  2. Under Level Editor - Play > Play in Standalone Game, enter -trace=slate into the Additional Launch Parameters

    [Unreal Insights Reference.](BuildingWorlds/LightingAndShadows/VolumetricLightmaps)

  3. Set the project's Active Play Mode to Standalone Game .

StandAloneGame.png Editor Viewport

  1. If Unreal Insights hasn't been built, find the Unreal Insights project under Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealInsights , and build the application.

  2. Run the UnrealInsights application. Find the application under Engine\Binaries[Platform] .

  3. With Unreal Insights running, run the project to record the application's trace data.

ApplicationTraceData.png Unreal Insights labels actively running projects as LIVE

Traces automatically write to the following project directory: <YourProject>/Saved/TraceSessions . Because trace sessions can grow in size over time, make sure to actively monitor and manage the *.utrace

  1. After recording the project's trace data, close the standalone application.

  2. To start the analysis in Unreal Insights, select the project's trace session (1) and click Open (2).


  1. To open the Slate Frame View tab, select Menu > Slate Frame View

Unreal Insights Oveview

  1. Analyze the UI data with Slate Frame View .

Slate Frame View

After capturing the application's trace data with Unreal Insights, open the *.utrace file to begin analyzing the UI states with Slate Frame View .

SlateFrameView.png Slate Frame View running in Unreal Insights .

Slate Frame View features two report areas, Invalidation and Update . Each area features its own collection of trace flags.

Invalidation Trace Flags

The Invalidation Trace Flags area reports Widget information, including a corresponding Amount and one or more Reason for the widget invalidation.

When expanding widgets to review their invalidation reasons, Slate Frame View highlights one or more flags from the "LPUCRV" flag list, defined as follows.




Layout flag. True means the widget's desired size changed.


Paint flag. True means the widget needs repainting but nothing affects its size.


Volatile flag. True means the widget volatility changed.


Child order flag. True means a child was added or removed, implying a layout exists.


Render transform flag. True means the widget render transform changed.


Visibility flag. True means the widget visibility changed, implying a layout exists.

Update Trace Flags

The Update Trace Flags area reports Widget information, including a corresponding Amount and one or more Reason for the widget update.

When expanding widgets to review their update reasons, Slate Frame View highlights one or more flags from the "UTPV" flag list, defined as follows.




Tick flag. True means the widget was updated.


Active timer update flag. True means the widget had an active timer.


Repaint flag. True means the widget was dirty and repainted.


Volatile flag. True means the widget was volatile and repainted.

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