
The name of the directory in which to save recorded takes.



[UPROPERTY](Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Reference/Properties)(Config, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Take Recorder")
FString TakeSaveDir


The name of the directory in which to save recorded takes. Supports any of the following format specifiers that will be substituted when a take is recorded: {day} - The day of the timestamp for the start of the recording. {month} - The month of the timestamp for the start of the recording. {year} - The year of the timestamp for the start of the recording. {hour} - The hour of the timestamp for the start of the recording. {minute} - The minute of the timestamp for the start of the recording. {second} - The second of the timestamp for the start of the recording. {take} - The take number. {slate} - The slate string.

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