
class unreal.InputActionKeyMapping(action_name='None', shift=False, ctrl=False, alt=False, cmd=False, key=[])

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Defines a mapping between an action and key see: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/Input/index.html

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: PlayerInput.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • action_name (Name): [Read-Write] Friendly name of action, e.g “jump”

  • alt (bool): [Read-Write] true if one of the Alt keys must be down when the KeyEvent is received to be acknowledged

  • cmd (bool): [Read-Write] true if one of the Cmd keys must be down when the KeyEvent is received to be acknowledged

  • ctrl (bool): [Read-Write] true if one of the Ctrl keys must be down when the KeyEvent is received to be acknowledged

  • key (Key): [Read-Write] Key to bind it to.

  • shift (bool): [Read-Write] true if one of the Shift keys must be down when the KeyEvent is received to be acknowledged

property action_name

[Read-Write] Friendly name of action, e.g “jump”



property alt

[Read-Write] true if one of the Alt keys must be down when the KeyEvent is received to be acknowledged



property cmd

[Read-Write] true if one of the Cmd keys must be down when the KeyEvent is received to be acknowledged



property ctrl

[Read-Write] true if one of the Ctrl keys must be down when the KeyEvent is received to be acknowledged



property key

[Read-Write] Key to bind it to.



property shift

[Read-Write] true if one of the Shift keys must be down when the KeyEvent is received to be acknowledged

