
class unreal.MagicLeapImageTrackerComponent(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.SceneComponent

The MLImageTrackerComponent will keep track of whether the image that it has been provided is currently visible to the headset camera. note: Currently only R8G8B8A8 and B8G8R8A8 textures are supported.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MagicLeap

  • Module: MagicLeapImageTracker

  • File: MagicLeapImageTrackerComponent.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • absolute_location (bool): [Read-Write] If RelativeLocation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_rotation (bool): [Read-Write] If RelativeRotation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_scale (bool): [Read-Write] If RelativeScale3D should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • asset_user_data (Array(AssetUserData)): [Read-Write] Array of user data stored with the component

  • auto_activate (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the component is activated at creation or must be explicitly activated.

  • axis_orientation (MagicLeapImageTargetOrientation): [Read-Write] Axis Orientation

  • can_ever_affect_navigation (bool): [Read-Write] Whether this component can potentially influence navigation

  • component_tags (Array(Name)): [Read-Write] Array of tags that can be used for grouping and categorizing. Can also be accessed from scripting.

  • detail_mode (DetailMode): [Read-Write] If detail mode is >= system detail mode, primitive won’t be rendered.

  • editable_when_inherited (bool): [Read-Write] True if this component can be modified when it was inherited from a parent actor class

  • hidden_in_game (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to hide the primitive in game, if the primitive is Visible.

  • is_editor_only (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the component will be excluded from non-editor builds

  • is_stationary (bool): [Read-Write] Set this to true to improve detection for stationary targets.

  • longer_dimension (float): [Read-Write] LongerDimension refers to the size of the longer dimension (width or height) of the physical image target in Unreal units.

  • mobility (ComponentMobility): [Read-Write] How often this component is allowed to move, used to make various optimizations. Only safe to set in constructor.

  • name (str): [Read-Write] The name of the target. This name has to be unique across all instances of the ImageTrackerComponent class. If empty, the name of the component will be used.

  • on_component_activated (ActorComponentActivatedSignature): [Read-Write] Called when the component has been activated, with parameter indicating if it was from a reset

  • on_component_deactivated (ActorComponentDeactivateSignature): [Read-Write] Called when the component has been deactivated

  • on_image_target_found (MagicLeapImageTargetFoundMulti): [Read-Write] Activated when the target image becomes visible to the camera

  • on_image_target_lost (MagicLeapImageTargetLostMulti): [Read-Write] Activated the target image becomes invisible to the camera

  • on_image_target_unreliable_tracking (MagicLeapImageTargetUnreliableTrackingMulti): [Read-Write] Activated when the target image is tracked with low confidence.

    The Image Tracker system will still provide a 6 DOF pose. But this pose might be inaccurate and might have jitter. When the tracking is unreliable one of the folling two events will happen quickly : Either the tracking will recover to Tracked or tracking will be lost and the status will change to NotTracked.

  • on_set_image_target_failed (MagicLeapSetImageTargetFailedMulti): [Read-Write] Activated when the target image fails to be set.

  • on_set_image_target_succeeded (MagicLeapSetImageTargetSucceededMulti): [Read-Write] Activated when the target image is successfully set.

  • physics_volume_changed_delegate (PhysicsVolumeChanged): [Read-Write] Delegate that will be called when PhysicsVolume has been changed *

  • primary_component_tick (ActorComponentTickFunction): [Read-Write] Main tick function for the Component

  • relative_location (Vector): [Read-Write] Location of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_rotation (Rotator): [Read-Write] Rotation of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_scale3d (Vector): [Read-Write] Non-uniform scaling of the component relative to its parent. Note that scaling is always applied in local space (no shearing etc)

  • replicates (bool): [Read-Write] Is this component currently replicating? Should the network code consider it for replication? Owning Actor must be replicating first!

  • should_update_physics_volume (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not the cached PhysicsVolume this component overlaps should be updated when the component is moved. see: GetPhysicsVolume()

  • target_image_texture (Texture2D): [Read-Write] The texture that will be tracked by this image tracker instance.

  • use_attach_parent_bound (bool): [Read-Write] If true, this component uses its parents bounds when attached. This can be a significant optimization with many components attached together.

  • use_unreliable_pose (bool): [Read-Write] If false, the pose will not be updated when tracking is unreliable.

  • visible (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to completely draw the primitive; if false, the primitive is not drawn, does not cast a shadow.

property axis_orientation

[Read-Write] Axis Orientation



property is_stationary

[Read-Write] Set this to true to improve detection for stationary targets.



property longer_dimension

[Read-Write] LongerDimension refers to the size of the longer dimension (width or height) of the physical image target in Unreal units.



property name

[Read-Write] The name of the target. This name has to be unique across all instances of the ImageTrackerComponent class. If empty, the name of the component will be used.



property on_image_target_found

[Read-Write] Activated when the target image becomes visible to the camera



property on_image_target_lost

[Read-Write] Activated the target image becomes invisible to the camera



property on_image_target_unreliable_tracking

[Read-Write] Activated when the target image is tracked with low confidence.

The Image Tracker system will still provide a 6 DOF pose. But this pose might be inaccurate and might have jitter. When the tracking is unreliable one of the folling two events will happen quickly : Either the tracking will recover to Tracked or tracking will be lost and the status will change to NotTracked.



property on_set_image_target_failed

[Read-Write] Activated when the target image fails to be set.



property on_set_image_target_succeeded

[Read-Write] Activated when the target image is successfully set.




Attempts to remove the currently tracked target. Initiates an asynchronous call on a worker thread.


True if the initiation of the target removal was successful, false otherwise.

Return type



Attempts to change the currently tracked target. Initiates an asynchronous call on a worker thread. When the task completes, the instigating blueprint will be notified by either a FSetImageTargetSucceeded or FSetImageTargetFailed event.


image_target (Texture2D) – The new texture to be tracked.


True if the initiation of the target change was successful, false otherwise.

Return type


property target_image_texture

[Read-Write] The texture that will be tracked by this image tracker instance.



property use_unreliable_pose

[Read-Write] If false, the pose will not be updated when tracking is unreliable.

