
class unreal.ClothingAssetCommon(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.ClothingAssetBase

Implementation of non-solver specific, but common Engine related functionality.

Solver specific implementations may wish to override this class to construct their own default instances of child classes, such as c ClothSimConfig and c CustomData, as well as override the c AddNewLod() factory to build their own implementation of c UClothLODDataBase.

C++ Source:

  • Module: ClothingSystemRuntimeCommon

  • File: ClothingAsset.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • cloth_configs (Map(Name, ClothConfigBase)): [Read-Only] Cloth Configs: Simulation specific cloth parameters. Use GetClothConfig() to retrieve the correct parameters/config type for the desired cloth simulation system.

  • imported_file_path (str): [Read-Only] Imported File Path: If this asset was imported from a file, this will be the original path

  • physics_asset (PhysicsAsset): [Read-Write] Physics Asset: The physics asset to extract collisions from when building a simulation.

property cloth_configs

[Read-Only] Cloth Configs: Simulation specific cloth parameters. Use GetClothConfig() to retrieve the correct parameters/config type for the desired cloth simulation system.


(Map(Name, ClothConfigBase))