
class unreal.NiagaraComponentRendererProperties(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.NiagaraRendererProperties

Niagara Component Renderer Properties

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Niagara

  • Module: Niagara

  • File: NiagaraComponentRendererProperties.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • allow_in_cull_proxies (bool): [Read-Write] Allow in Cull Proxies

  • assign_components_on_particle_id (bool): [Read-Write] Assign Components on Particle ID: If true then components will not be automatically assigned to the first particle available, but try to stick to the same particle based on its unique id. Disabling this option is faster, but a particle can get a different component each tick, which can lead to problems with for example motion blur.

  • component_count_limit (uint32): [Read-Write] Component Count Limit: The max number of components that this emitter will spawn or update each frame.

  • component_type (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Component Type: The scene component class to instantiate

  • enabled_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Enabled Binding: Which attribute should we use to check if component rendering should be enabled for a particle? This can be used to control the spawn-rate on a per-particle basis.

  • motion_vector_setting (NiagaraRendererMotionVectorSetting): [Read-Write] Motion Vector Setting: Hint about how to generate motion (velocity) vectors for this renderer.

  • only_activate_newly_aquired_components (bool): [Read-Write] Only Activate Newly Aquired Components: If true then components will only be activated when newly acquired. e.g. on particle spawn or when the particle enables/disables the component. If false, components will be always kept active while they are used by an enabled particle. This can be useful for component types that can internally activate and deactivate during their lifetimes while still being used by an enabled particle. For example NiagaraComponents that deactivate/reactivate according to scalability settings. This setting is only valid when bAssignComponentsOnParticleID is true.

  • only_create_components_on_particle_spawn (bool): [Read-Write] Only Create Components on Particle Spawn: If true then new components can only be created on newly spawned particles. If a particle is not able to create a component on it’s first frame (e.g. because the component limit was reached) then it will be blocked from spawning a component on subsequent frames.

  • platforms (NiagaraPlatformSet): [Read-Write] Platforms: Platforms on which this renderer is enabled.

  • renderer_enabled_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Renderer Enabled Binding: Optional bool binding to dynamically enable / disable the renderer.

  • renderer_visibility (int32): [Read-Write] Renderer Visibility: If a render visibility tag is present, particles whose tag matches this value will be visible in this renderer.

  • renderer_visibility_tag_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Renderer Visibility Tag Binding: Which attribute should we use to check if component rendering should be enabled for a particle? This can be used to control the spawn-rate on a per-particle basis.

  • sort_order_hint (int32): [Read-Write] Sort Order Hint: By default, emitters are drawn in the order that they are added to the system. This value will allow you to control the order in a more fine-grained manner.

    Materials of the same type (i.e. Transparent) will draw in order from lowest to highest within the system. The default value is 0.

  • template_component (SceneComponent): [Read-Write] Template Component: The object template used to create new components at runtime.

  • visualize_components (bool): [Read-Write] Visualize Components: If true then the editor visualization is enabled for the component; has no effect in-game.