
class unreal.AnimNode_PoseSnapshot(snapshot_name: Name = 'None', snapshot: PoseSnapshot = Ellipsis, mode: SnapshotSourceMode = Ellipsis)

Bases: AnimNode_Base

Provide a snapshot pose, either from the internal named pose cache or via a supplied snapshot

C++ Source:

  • Module: AnimGraphRuntime

  • File: AnimNode_PoseSnapshot.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • mode (SnapshotSourceMode): [Read-Write] Mode: How to access the snapshot

  • snapshot (PoseSnapshot): [Read-Write] Snapshot: Snapshot to use. This should be populated at first by calling SnapshotPose

  • snapshot_name (Name): [Read-Write] Snapshot Name: The name of the snapshot previously stored with SavePoseSnapshot

property mode: SnapshotSourceMode

[Read-Write] Mode: How to access the snapshot



property snapshot: PoseSnapshot

[Read-Write] Snapshot: Snapshot to use. This should be populated at first by calling SnapshotPose



property snapshot_name: Name

[Read-Write] Snapshot Name: The name of the snapshot previously stored with SavePoseSnapshot

