
class unreal.GameplayTargetDataFilter(required_actor_class: Class = Ellipsis, self_filter: TargetDataFilterSelf = Ellipsis, reverse_filter: bool = False)

Bases: StructBase

Simple actor target filter, games can subclass this

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: GameplayAbilities

  • Module: GameplayAbilities

  • File: GameplayAbilityTargetDataFilter.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • required_actor_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Required Actor Class: Subclass actors must be to pass the filter.

  • reverse_filter (bool): [Read-Write] Reverse Filter: Reverses the meaning of the filter, so it will exclude all actors that pass.

  • self_filter (TargetDataFilterSelf): [Read-Write] Self Filter: Filter based on whether or not this actor is “self.”

property required_actor_class: Class

[Read-Write] Required Actor Class: Subclass actors must be to pass the filter.



property reverse_filter: bool

[Read-Write] Reverse Filter: Reverses the meaning of the filter, so it will exclude all actors that pass.



property self_filter: TargetDataFilterSelf

[Read-Write] Self Filter: Filter based on whether or not this actor is “self.”

