
class unreal.RigUnit_AimBoneMath(input_transform: Transform = Ellipsis, primary: RigUnit_AimItem_Target = Ellipsis, secondary: RigUnit_AimItem_Target = Ellipsis, weight: float = 0.0, result: Transform = Ellipsis, debug_settings: RigUnit_AimBone_DebugSettings = Ellipsis)

Bases: RigUnit_HighlevelBase

Outputs an aligned transform of a primary and secondary axis of an input transform to a world target. Note: This node operates in world space!

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ControlRig

  • Module: ControlRig

  • File: RigUnit_AimBone.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • debug_settings (RigUnit_AimBone_DebugSettings): [Read-Write] Debug Settings: The debug setting for the node

  • input_transform (Transform): [Read-Write] Input Transform: The transform (in global space) before the aim was applied (optional)

  • primary (RigUnit_AimItem_Target): [Read-Write] Primary: The primary target for the aim

  • result (Transform): [Read-Write] Result: The resulting transform

  • secondary (RigUnit_AimItem_Target): [Read-Write] Secondary: The secondary target for the aim - also referred to as PoleVector / UpVector

  • weight (float): [Read-Write] Weight: The weight of the change - how much the change should be applied

property debug_settings: RigUnit_AimBone_DebugSettings

[Read-Write] Debug Settings: The debug setting for the node



property input_transform: Transform

[Read-Write] Input Transform: The transform (in global space) before the aim was applied (optional)



property primary: RigUnit_AimItem_Target

[Read-Write] Primary: The primary target for the aim



property result: Transform

[Read-Only] Result: The resulting transform



property secondary: RigUnit_AimItem_Target

[Read-Write] Secondary: The secondary target for the aim - also referred to as PoleVector / UpVector



property weight: float

[Read-Write] Weight: The weight of the change - how much the change should be applied

