
class unreal.MoviePipelineConsoleVariableSetting(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: MoviePipelineSetting

Movie Pipeline Console Variable Setting

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MovieRenderPipeline

  • Module: MovieRenderPipelineSettings

  • File: MoviePipelineConsoleVariableSetting.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • console_variable_presets (Array[MovieSceneConsoleVariableTrackInterface]): [Read-Write] An array of presets from the Console Variables Editor. The preset cvars will be applied (in the order they are specified) before any of the cvars in “Console Variables”. In other words, cvars in “Console Variables” will take precedence over the cvars coming from these presets.

  • console_variables (Map[str, float]): [Read-Write] deprecated: ConsoleVariables has been deprecated. Please use the console variable getters/setters (GetConsoleVariables(), RemoveConsoleVariable(), AddOrUpdateConsoleVariable(), and UpdateConsoleVariableEnableState()) instead. If scripting modifies ConsoleVariables, MRQ must be run in PIE to ensure changes are migrated.

  • end_console_commands (Array[str]): [Read-Write] An array of console commands to execute when this shot is finished. Used to restore changes made by StartConsoleCommands.

  • start_console_commands (Array[str]): [Read-Write] An array of console commands to execute when this shot is started. If you need to restore the value after the shot, add a matching entry in the EndConsoleCommands array. Because they are commands and not values we cannot save the preivous value automatically.

add_console_variable(name, value) bool

Adds a console variable override with the given name and value, and will add a duplicate if one with the provided name already exists. Returns true if the operation was successful, else false. See: AddOrUpdateConsoleVariable()

Return type:


add_or_update_console_variable(name, value) bool

Adds a console variable override with the given name and value if one does not already exist. If the console variable with the given name already exists, its value will be updated (the last one will be updated if there are duplicates with the same name). Returns true if the operation was successful, else false. See: AddConsoleVariable()

Return type:


property console_variable_presets: Array[MovieSceneConsoleVariableTrackInterface]

[Read-Write] An array of presets from the Console Variables Editor. The preset cvars will be applied (in the order they are specified) before any of the cvars in “Console Variables”. In other words, cvars in “Console Variables” will take precedence over the cvars coming from these presets.



property console_variables: None

[Read-Write] deprecated: ConsoleVariables has been deprecated. Please use the console variable getters/setters (GetConsoleVariables(), RemoveConsoleVariable(), AddOrUpdateConsoleVariable(), and UpdateConsoleVariableEnableState()) instead. If scripting modifies ConsoleVariables, MRQ must be run in PIE to ensure changes are migrated.


(Map[str, float])

property end_console_commands: None

[Read-Write] An array of console commands to execute when this shot is finished. Used to restore changes made by StartConsoleCommands.



get_console_variables() Array[MoviePipelineConsoleVariableEntry]

Gets a copy of all console variable overrides. These are not meant to be changed; use the mutator methods if console variables need to be updated.

Return type:


remove_console_variable(name, remove_all_instances=False) bool

Removes the console variable override with the specified name. If more than one with the same name exists, the last one will be removed. Returns true if at least one console variable was removed, else false.

  • name (str) –

  • remove_all_instances (bool) – Remove all console variables overrides with the given name (not just the last one)

Return type:


property start_console_commands: None

[Read-Write] An array of console commands to execute when this shot is started. If you need to restore the value after the shot, add a matching entry in the EndConsoleCommands array. Because they are commands and not values we cannot save the preivous value automatically.



update_console_variable_enable_state(name, is_enabled) bool

Updates the enable state of the console variable override with the provided name. If there are duplicate cvars with the same name, the last one with the provided name will be updated. Returns true if the operation was successful, else false.

  • name (str) –

  • is_enabled (bool) –

Return type:
