
class unreal.InstancedActorsVisualizationDesc

Bases: StructBase

ISMC descriptions for instances ‘visualization’, allowing instances to define multiple potential visualizations / ISMC sets: e.g: ‘with berries’, ‘without berries’.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: InstancedActors

  • Module: InstancedActors

  • File: InstancedActorsTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • ism_component_descriptors (Array[ISMComponentDescriptor]): [Read-Only] Array of Instanced Static Mesh Component descriptors. An ISMC will be created for each of these, using the specified mesh, material, collision settings etc. Instanced Actors using this visualization will add an instance to each of these, allowing for composite mesh visualizations for a single actor instance e.g: a car with separate body and wheel meshes all instanced together.