
class unreal.MovieGraphGlobalGameOverridesNode(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: MovieGraphSettingNode

A node which configures the global game overrides.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MovieRenderPipeline

  • Module: MovieRenderPipelineCore

  • File: MovieGraphGlobalGameOverrides.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • disable_hlo_ds (bool): [Read-Write] Determines if hierarchical LODs should be disabled and their real meshes used instead, regardless of distance. Note that this does not affect World Partition HLODs.

  • disable_lo_ds (bool): [Read-Write] Disabling LODs will use the highest quality LOD for meshes and particle systems, regardless of distance. Note that this does not affect Nanite.

    Configures the following cvars: - r.ForceLOD - r.SkeletalMeshLODBias - r.ParticleLODBias - foliage.DitheredLOD - foliage.ForceLOD

  • disable_texture_streaming (bool): [Read-Write] Toggles whether texture streaming is disabled. Can solve objects being blurry after camera cuts.

    Configures the following cvars: - r.TextureStreaming

  • dynamic_properties (InstancedPropertyBag): [Read-Write] Properties which can be dynamically declared on the node (vs. native properties which are always present).

  • flush_asset_compiler (bool): [Read-Write] This ensures that any asynchronously compiled assets (static meshes, distance fields, etc.) required for rendering the frame are completed before rendering the frame. This feature generally only adds to render times on the frames where a new asset is introduced (ie, spawned) that may not be fully compiled. Results are stored in the DDC on subsequent uses.

  • flush_grass_streaming (bool): [Read-Write] Flushing grass streaming prevents visible pop-in/culling of grass instances, but may come at a high GPU memory cost (depending on rendering feature set), and grass density. Try turning this off if you are low on GPU memory and have dense grass.

  • flush_level_streaming (bool): [Read-Write] Flushing level streaming ensures that any pending changes to sub-levels or world partition are fully processed before we render the frame. This feature generally only adds to render times on the frames that have level visibility state changes, so generally safe to leave turned on all the time.

  • flush_shader_compiler (bool): [Read-Write] This ensures that any asynchronously compiled shader permutations are completed before rendering the frame. When using On Demand Shader Compilation the editor will skip compiling currently unneeded permutations for the material graph to decrease artist iteration time, but these permutations need to be compiled when rendering. Results are stored in the DDC on subsequent uses.

  • flush_streaming_managers (bool): [Read-Write] This ensures that we wait on any streaming managers that may have outstanding work to finish their work before we render the frame. Many GPU-based features rely on a feedback loop where a frame is rendered, then results are read back from the GPU to the CPU. These results are analyzed, and additional data is loaded to be used in a subsequent frame. This feature ensures that the data is fully loaded before we render the next frame, but does NOT solve issues related to generating the those feedback requests in the first place. Virtual Textures and Nanite must render the frame to generate the request – this option cannot solve that; it only helps ensure that the requests that are made are fully processed before the frame is rendered.

    Configures the following cvars: - r.Streaming.SyncStatesWhenBlocking

  • game_mode_override (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Optional game mode to override the map’s default game mode with. This can be useful if the game’s normal mode displays UI elements or loading screens that you don’t want captured.

  • override_b_disable_hlo_ds (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_b_disable_lo_ds (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_b_disable_texture_streaming (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_b_flush_asset_compiler (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_b_flush_grass_streaming (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_b_flush_level_streaming (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_b_flush_shader_compiler (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_b_flush_streaming_managers (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_game_mode_override (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_scalability_quality_level (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_virtual_texture_feedback_factor (bool): [Read-Write]

  • scalability_quality_level (MovieGraphScalabilityQualityLevel): [Read-Write] The scalability quality level that should be used in renders. See the Scalability Reference documentation for information on how to edit cvars to add/change default quality values.

  • virtual_texture_feedback_factor (int32): [Read-Write] The virtual texture feedback resolution factor. A lower factor will increase virtual texture feedback resolution.

property disable_hlo_ds: bool

[Read-Write] Determines if hierarchical LODs should be disabled and their real meshes used instead, regardless of distance. Note that this does not affect World Partition HLODs.



property disable_lo_ds: bool

[Read-Write] Disabling LODs will use the highest quality LOD for meshes and particle systems, regardless of distance. Note that this does not affect Nanite.

Configures the following cvars: - r.ForceLOD - r.SkeletalMeshLODBias - r.ParticleLODBias - foliage.DitheredLOD - foliage.ForceLOD



property disable_texture_streaming: bool

[Read-Write] Toggles whether texture streaming is disabled. Can solve objects being blurry after camera cuts.

Configures the following cvars: - r.TextureStreaming



property flush_asset_compiler: bool

[Read-Write] This ensures that any asynchronously compiled assets (static meshes, distance fields, etc.) required for rendering the frame are completed before rendering the frame. This feature generally only adds to render times on the frames where a new asset is introduced (ie, spawned) that may not be fully compiled. Results are stored in the DDC on subsequent uses.



property flush_grass_streaming: bool

[Read-Write] Flushing grass streaming prevents visible pop-in/culling of grass instances, but may come at a high GPU memory cost (depending on rendering feature set), and grass density. Try turning this off if you are low on GPU memory and have dense grass.



property flush_level_streaming: bool

[Read-Write] Flushing level streaming ensures that any pending changes to sub-levels or world partition are fully processed before we render the frame. This feature generally only adds to render times on the frames that have level visibility state changes, so generally safe to leave turned on all the time.



property flush_shader_compiler: bool

[Read-Write] This ensures that any asynchronously compiled shader permutations are completed before rendering the frame. When using On Demand Shader Compilation the editor will skip compiling currently unneeded permutations for the material graph to decrease artist iteration time, but these permutations need to be compiled when rendering. Results are stored in the DDC on subsequent uses.



property flush_streaming_managers: bool

[Read-Write] This ensures that we wait on any streaming managers that may have outstanding work to finish their work before we render the frame. Many GPU-based features rely on a feedback loop where a frame is rendered, then results are read back from the GPU to the CPU. These results are analyzed, and additional data is loaded to be used in a subsequent frame. This feature ensures that the data is fully loaded before we render the next frame, but does NOT solve issues related to generating the those feedback requests in the first place. Virtual Textures and Nanite must render the frame to generate the request – this option cannot solve that; it only helps ensure that the requests that are made are fully processed before the frame is rendered.

Configures the following cvars: - r.Streaming.SyncStatesWhenBlocking



property game_mode_override: Class

[Read-Write] Optional game mode to override the map’s default game mode with. This can be useful if the game’s normal mode displays UI elements or loading screens that you don’t want captured.



property override_b_disable_hlo_ds: bool




property override_b_disable_lo_ds: bool




property override_b_disable_texture_streaming: bool




property override_b_flush_asset_compiler: bool




property override_b_flush_grass_streaming: bool




property override_b_flush_level_streaming: bool




property override_b_flush_shader_compiler: bool




property override_b_flush_streaming_managers: bool




property override_game_mode_override: bool




property override_scalability_quality_level: bool




property override_virtual_texture_feedback_factor: bool




property scalability_quality_level: MovieGraphScalabilityQualityLevel

[Read-Write] The scalability quality level that should be used in renders. See the Scalability Reference documentation for information on how to edit cvars to add/change default quality values.



property virtual_texture_feedback_factor: int

[Read-Write] The virtual texture feedback resolution factor. A lower factor will increase virtual texture feedback resolution.

