
class unreal.MovieGraphGlobalOutputSettingNode(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: MovieGraphSettingNode

Movie Graph Global Output Setting Node

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MovieRenderPipeline

  • Module: MovieRenderPipelineCore

  • File: MovieGraphGlobalOutputSettingNode.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • custom_playback_range_end_frame (int32): [Read-Write]

  • custom_playback_range_start_frame (int32): [Read-Write]

  • dynamic_properties (InstancedPropertyBag): [Read-Write] Properties which can be dynamically declared on the node (vs. native properties which are always present).

  • flush_disk_writes_per_shot (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the game thread will stall at the end of each shot to flush the rendering queue, and then flush any outstanding writes to disk, finalizing any outstanding videos and generally completing the work. This is only relevant for scripting where scripts may do post-shot callback work.

  • frame_number_offset (int32): [Read-Write] How many frames should we offset the output frame number by? This is useful when using handle frames on Sequences that start at frame 0, as the output would start in negative numbers. This can be used to offset by a fixed amount to ensure there’s no negative numbers.

  • handle_frame_count (int32): [Read-Write] Top level shot track sections will automatically be expanded by this many frames in both directions, and the resulting additional time will be rendered as part of that shot. The inner sequence should have sections long enough to cover this expanded range, otherwise these tracks will not evaluate during handle frames and may produce unexpected results. This can be used to generate handle frames for traditional non linear editing tools.

  • output_directory (DirectoryPath): [Read-Write] What directory should all of our output files be relative to.

  • output_frame_rate (FrameRate): [Read-Write] What frame rate should the output files be exported at? This overrides the Display Rate of the target sequence. If not overwritten, uses the default Sequence Display Rate.

  • output_resolution (MovieGraphNamedResolution): [Read-Write] What resolution should our output files be exported at?

  • override_b_flush_disk_writes_per_shot (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_b_overwrite_existing_output (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_custom_playback_range_end_frame (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_custom_playback_range_start_frame (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_frame_number_offset (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_handle_frame_count (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_output_directory (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_output_frame_rate (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_output_resolution (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_versioning_settings (bool): [Read-Write]

  • override_zero_pad_frame_numbers (bool): [Read-Write]

  • overwrite_existing_output (bool): [Read-Write] If true, output containers should attempt to override any existing files with the same name.

  • versioning_settings (MovieGraphVersioningSettings): [Read-Write] Determines how versioning should be handled (Auto Version, Version Number, etc.).

  • zero_pad_frame_numbers (int32): [Read-Write] How many digits should all output frame numbers be padded to? MySequence_1.png -> MySequence_0001.png. Useful for software that struggles to recognize frame ranges when non-padded.

property custom_playback_range_end_frame: int




property custom_playback_range_start_frame: int




property flush_disk_writes_per_shot: bool

[Read-Write] If true, the game thread will stall at the end of each shot to flush the rendering queue, and then flush any outstanding writes to disk, finalizing any outstanding videos and generally completing the work. This is only relevant for scripting where scripts may do post-shot callback work.



property frame_number_offset: int

[Read-Write] How many frames should we offset the output frame number by? This is useful when using handle frames on Sequences that start at frame 0, as the output would start in negative numbers. This can be used to offset by a fixed amount to ensure there’s no negative numbers.



property handle_frame_count: int

[Read-Write] Top level shot track sections will automatically be expanded by this many frames in both directions, and the resulting additional time will be rendered as part of that shot. The inner sequence should have sections long enough to cover this expanded range, otherwise these tracks will not evaluate during handle frames and may produce unexpected results. This can be used to generate handle frames for traditional non linear editing tools.



property output_directory: DirectoryPath

[Read-Write] What directory should all of our output files be relative to.



property output_frame_rate: FrameRate

[Read-Write] What frame rate should the output files be exported at? This overrides the Display Rate of the target sequence. If not overwritten, uses the default Sequence Display Rate.



property output_resolution: MovieGraphNamedResolution

[Read-Write] What resolution should our output files be exported at?



property override_b_flush_disk_writes_per_shot: bool




property override_b_overwrite_existing_output: bool




property override_custom_playback_range_end_frame: bool




property override_custom_playback_range_start_frame: bool




property override_frame_number_offset: bool




property override_handle_frame_count: bool




property override_output_directory: bool




property override_output_frame_rate: bool




property override_output_resolution: bool




property override_versioning_settings: bool




property override_zero_pad_frame_numbers: bool




property overwrite_existing_output: bool

[Read-Write] If true, output containers should attempt to override any existing files with the same name.



property versioning_settings: MovieGraphVersioningSettings

[Read-Write] Determines how versioning should be handled (Auto Version, Version Number, etc.).



property zero_pad_frame_numbers: int

[Read-Write] How many digits should all output frame numbers be padded to? MySequence_1.png -> MySequence_0001.png. Useful for software that struggles to recognize frame ranges when non-padded.

