
class unreal.NeuralProfileStruct(input_format: NeuralProfileFormat = Ellipsis, output_format: NeuralProfileFormat = Ellipsis, runtime_type: NeuralProfileRuntimeType = Ellipsis, nne_model_data: Object = Ellipsis, input_dimension: IntVector4 = Ellipsis, output_dimension: IntVector4 = Ellipsis, batch_size_override: int = 0)

Bases: StructBase

struct with all the settings we want in UNeuralProfile, separate to make it easer to pass this data around in the engine.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: NeuralProfile.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • batch_size_override (int32): [Read-Write] Used to override the batch size if the batch dimension is dynamic (-1)

  • input_dimension (IntVector4): [Read-Write] Input dimension of the NNEModelData model

  • input_format (NeuralProfileFormat): [Read-Write] Define the expected input format, if any output from material is not this format, a custom conversion will be applied for this conversion.

  • nne_model_data (Object): [Read-Write] Stores the NNEModelData imported from e.g., onnx model

  • output_dimension (IntVector4): [Read-Write] Output dimension of the NNEModelData model

  • output_format (NeuralProfileFormat): [Read-Write] Define the expected output format. A conversion between the output format and the actual format will be applied automatically.

  • runtime_type (NeuralProfileRuntimeType): [Read-Write] runtime type (support “NNERuntimeRDGDml” only at this moment)

  • tile_overlap (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Tile border overlaps (Left|Right, Top|Bottom). The larger this value, the more tiles are required to cover the whole screen when TileSize is Auto.

  • tile_overlap_resolve_type (TileOverlapResolveType): [Read-Write]

  • tile_size (NeuralModelTileType): [Read-Write] Total tiles used. Each tile will be executed by 1 batch

property batch_size_override: int

[Read-Only] Used to override the batch size if the batch dimension is dynamic (-1)



property input_dimension: IntVector4

[Read-Only] Input dimension of the NNEModelData model



property input_format: NeuralProfileFormat

[Read-Only] Define the expected input format, if any output from material is not this format, a custom conversion will be applied for this conversion.



property nne_model_data: Object

[Read-Only] Stores the NNEModelData imported from e.g., onnx model



property output_dimension: IntVector4

[Read-Only] Output dimension of the NNEModelData model



property output_format: NeuralProfileFormat

[Read-Only] Define the expected output format. A conversion between the output format and the actual format will be applied automatically.



property runtime_type: NeuralProfileRuntimeType

[Read-Only] runtime type (support “NNERuntimeRDGDml” only at this moment)

