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NODY Entity Perception


NODY Entity Perception is a more user-friendly and optimized version of PawnSensing, offering clearer decision-making in perception tasks. It is an easy-to-use AI detection system suitable for multiplayer games.

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    5.3 - 5.4
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    エンジン プラグイン
    この製品には、コード プラグインが含まれており、ビルド済みのバイナリと Unreal Engine に統合される全ソースコードが完備されています。任意のエンジン バージョンにインストールし、プロジェクト毎に有効化することが可能です。

NODY Entity Perception: An Easy-to-Use AI Detection System

NODY Entity Perception is a user-friendly AI detection system. Why choose it over PawnSensing, you ask? In brief, PawnSensing sometimes encounters detection issues—such as failing to detect nearby players or overlooking them—which can be fundamental problems. With NODY Entity Perception, you specify the type of Actor Class to search for, avoiding such issues altogether. I developed this plugin with these considerations in mind, hoping it serves your needs well. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out on our Discord server; I'll be happy to assist you.


1️⃣ Optimized Efficiency

Using the AIPerception infrastructure, PawnSensing is much more optimized. 🚀

2️⃣ Actor Class Filtering

It allows you to filter by Actor Class for AI events, preventing confusion with other Actor classes and eliminating AI detection issues. 🎯

3️⃣ Customizable Parameters

AIPerception doesn't allow changes to special parameters like sight distance via Blueprints. However, with NODY Entity Perception, you can modify nearly all customizations directly through Blueprints. 🔧

4️⃣ Special Detection Filters

NODY Entity Perception includes special detection filters, enabling you to customize detection ranges, such as for nearby or distant entities. 🔍👥

5️⃣ Ease of Use

Simply add it as a component to your AI class, and you're good to go! It works great for multiplayer games, too. Every feature comes with an explanation, so you won't have trouble understanding it. If you do encounter any issues, I'm here to help on our Discord server. 💬

Code Modules: Runtime

Total Number of Functions and Events : 9

Total Number of C++ Classes : 6

Network Replicated: Values are not Replicated but Usable for Multiplayer

Supported Development Platforms: Win64,Mac,Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64,Mac,Linux,Android

Documentation: Link

Discord: Link