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UE3 Home > UDK Community Links
UDK Community Links

- IndieDB - Repository of information about projects using the Unreal Development Kit.
- UDKDev.net - Community-run Polish forums for UDK developers.
- Magic Stone Studios - UDK weapon creation tutorials
- UnrealEs - Spanish language UDK tutorials.
- Chris Albeluhn - Concept, Asset Creation, and UDK Tutorials
- thenewboston Education - 65 Videos in a UDK Beginner's series.
- Hourences.com - Lots of great tutorials, including Creating a Basic UDK Game.
- MoziDesign.com - Level design tutorial.
- Raven67854 YouTube UDK Video tutorials
- BeyondUnreal UDK Wiki - BeyondUnreal's UDK wiki, with UDK API documentation.
- Creating and Using Flow Maps - Creating water surface materials using flow maps.
- Learning the UE3 Editor - This guide is intended to teach you the basics of the UE3 editor.
- chrisalbeluhn.com - 3D art and UDK tutorials.
- UnrealDB - Resource for finding UDK tutorials.
- Seek and destroy games Video Tutorials - Over 345 tutorials covering many aspects of UDK
- http://romerounrealscript.blogspot.com/ - UnrealScript Tutorials
- Okita.com - Introductory tutorials including beginner's tutorials for UnrealScript.
- moug-portfolio.info - UnrealScript Intro tutorials
- UT40K_Mod UDK Video tutorials
- ModDB Unreal Engine 3 tutorials
- Isometric Camera Tutorial - Tutorial on creating an isometric camera including path finding from the ground up.
- Trendy Entertainment's YouTube UDK Video Tutorials Channel
- Allar's UDK Tutorials - Getting started with UnrealScript as well as getting started making Scaleform UI with UDK.
- CityEngine and UDK tutorial - Guide to importing city scenes created using CityEngine into the UDK.
- Basic Custom NPC Tutorial - Importing a custom NPC into the UDK.
- HUD creation tutorial - Guide to creating a Heads Up Display using UnrealScript. Has English and French versions.
- daveprout.com - UDK lighting and material tutorials.
- stephenjameson.com - UDK lighting,effects, and materials tutorials.
- teadster.com - Cloth tutorial.
- michaeljcollinsdreamart.com - UDK content tutorials.
- UnderGround Education - 3D art and UDK tutorials.
- JarlanPerez.com - UDK Light Mapping Tutorial
- 3DBuzz - Lots of great video tutorials for the UDK.
- rdgree.net - From textures to materials in UE3.
Epic does not endorse any of the products described in the links below.
- Eat3D.com Training Videos Videos from Eat3D.com including Unreal Development Kit - An Introduction and Application (creating and environment from start to finish, UDK Lighting and Post-Processing, and more.
- Unreal Development Kit - An Introduction and Application - This four hour video from Eat3d.com four hour video covers creating an entire environment (indoor and outdoor) from scratch.
- Introduction to the Unreal Development Kit - Created by EA CG supervisor Waylon Brink, this DVD will help you get started with the core features of UDK.
- Unreal Development Kit: Materials - Covers everything from Alpha, Transparency and Blending to Vectors..
- 3D Motive - Offering high quality video tutorials in full HD that cover UDK and Unreal technology – both free and paid content.
- Contagion Entertainment UDK Tutorials - Some free, some paid tutorials.
- UDK 11 Day Level Design - How to create a full playable Map From beginning to end in 11 Days using the UDK.
- Passion3D.com - French UDK video tutorials.
- UDK IDE - an integrated development environment for programming with UDK and UnrealScript.
- UE3 Tool - A utility for quickly running UDK in different configurations.
- The Dunebox™ UDK Chronicles - Tool for quickly creating custom classes that extend existing UnrealScript classes.
- UDK Layout Tool - Tool for quickly placing arrays of objects.
- UDK Frontend - Advanced FrontEnd with extra configuration and cooking options.
- UDK DLLBind Embedded Database (SQLIte) - Framework that adds database functionality.
- UnScripter - Simple IDE for UnrealScript and UDK.
- Backup Batch File - Batch file for easily backing up your project data.
- Layout Starter Kit - Layout placeholder textures and player models.
- UDK Transfer Utility - Utility for transferring projects to new UDK installations.
- Notepad++ UnrealScript Support - UnrealScript syntax highlighter and autocompletion for Notepad++.