Lens Distortion

Lens Distortion

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Draw UVDisplacement to Render Target

Draws UV displacement map within the output render target.

  • Red & green channels hold the distortion displacement;

  • Blue & alpha channels hold the undistortion displacement.

Target is Lens Distortion Blueprint Library

Equal (LensDistortionCameraModel)

Returns true if A is equal to B (A == B)

Target is Lens Distortion Blueprint Library

Equal (LensDistortionParameters)

Returns true if A is equal to B (A == B)

Target is Open CVLens Distortion Blueprint Library

Find Distortion Model Handler

Return the handler associated with the input distortion source, if one exists If bUpdatePicker is true, the input picker reference will be updated so that its properties match those of the found handler

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Find or Create Distortion Model Handler

Return the handler associated with the input distortion source, if one exists that also matches the input model. If none exist, create a new handler and return it.

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Camera Calibration Step

Returns the camera calibration step by name

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Camera Calibration Steps

Returns an array with the names of the available camera calibration steps

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Camera Nodal Offset Algo

Returns the nodal offset algorithm by name

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Camera Nodal Offset Algos

Returns an array with the names of the available nodal offset algorithms

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Default Lens File

Get the default lens file.

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Distortion Model Handlers

Return all handlers associated with the input camera component

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Lens File

Facilitator around the picker to get the desired lens file.

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Registered Lens Model

Return the ULensModel subclass that was registered with the input model name

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Get Undistort Overscan Factor

Returns the overscan factor required for the undistort rendering to avoid unrendered distorted pixels.

Target is Lens Distortion Blueprint Library

NotEqual (LensDistortionCameraModel)

Returns true if A is not equal to B (A != B)

Target is Lens Distortion Blueprint Library

NotEqual (LensDistortionParameters)

Returns true if A is not equal to B (A != B)

Target is Open CVLens Distortion Blueprint Library

Set Default Lens File

Get the default lens file.

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem

Unregister Distortion Model Handler

Disassociate the input handler from the input camera component in the subsystem's handler map

Target is Camera Calibration Subsystem


Open CV

Open CV

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