
class unreal.ChaosVDContactPoint

Bases: StructBase

Chaos VDContact Point

C++ Source:

  • Module: ChaosVDRuntime

  • File: ChaosVDCollisionDataWrappers.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • contact_type (ChaosVDContactPointType): [Read-Write] Whether this is a vertex-plane contact, edge-edge contact etc.

  • face_index (int32): [Read-Write] Face index of the shape we hit. Only valid for Heightfield and Trimesh contact points, otherwise INDEX_NONE

  • phi (float): [Read-Write] Contact separation (negative for overlap)

  • shape_contact_normal (Vector): [Read-Write] Shape-space contact normal on the second shape with direction that points away from shape 1

  • shape_contact_points (Array[Vector]): [Read-Write] Shape-space contact points on the two bodies