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UE3 ホーム > Unreal Development Kit Gems > 動的ナビゲーションメッシュ障害物の作成
UE3 ホーム > AI とナビゲーション > 動的ナビゲーションメッシュ障害物の作成
UE3 ホーム > AI とナビゲーション > 動的ナビゲーションメッシュ障害物の作成
2011年7月に UDK に即して最終テスト実施済み
PC および iOS 対応
class DynamicNavMeshObstacle extends NavMeshObstacle; // List of possible shapes enum EShape { EShape_None, EShape_Square, EShape_Rectangle, EShape_Circle }; // Shape of the nav mesh obstacle var PrivateWrite EShape ShapeType; // Used in EShape_Square var PrivateWrite float Width; // Used in EShape_Square and EShape_Rectangle var PrivateWrite float Height; // Used in EShape_Circle var PrivateWrite float Radius; // Used in EShape_Circle var PrivateWrite int Sides; // Align the obstacle to the rotation of the actor? var bool AlignToRotation; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { // Skip default post begin play function Super(Actor).PostBeginPlay(); } function SetAsSquare(float NewWidth) { if (NewWidth > 0.f) { ShapeType = EShape_Square; Width = NewWidth; } } function SetAsRectangle(float NewWidth, float NewHeight) { if (NewWidth > 0.f && NewHeight > 0.f) { ShapeType = EShape_Rectangle; Width = NewWidth; Height = NewHeight; } } function SetAsCircle(float NewRadius, float NewSides) { if (NewRadius > 0.f && NewSides > 0) { ShapeType = EShape_Circle; Radius = NewRadius; Sides = NewSides; } } event bool GetObstacleBoudingShape(out array<vector> Shape) { local Vector Offset; local int i, Angle; local Rotator R; if (ShapeType == EShape_Square) { if (AlignToRotation) { // Top right corner Offset.X = Width; Offset.Y = Width; Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> Rotation)); // Bottom right corner Offset.X = -Width; Offset.Y = Width; Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> Rotation)); // Bottom left corner Offset.X = -Width; Offset.Y = -Width; Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> Rotation)); // Top left corner Offset.X = Width; Offset.Y = -Width; Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> Rotation)); } else { // Top right corner Offset.X = Width; Offset.Y = Width; Shape.AddItem(Location + Offset); // Bottom right corner Offset.X = -Width; Offset.Y = Width; Shape.AddItem(Location + Offset); // Bottom left corner Offset.X = -Width; Offset.Y = -Width; Shape.AddItem(Location + Offset); // Top left corner Offset.X = Width; Offset.Y = -Width; Shape.AddItem(Location + Offset); } return true; } else if (ShapeType == EShape_Rectangle) { if (AlignToRotation) { // Top right corner Offset.X = Width; Offset.Y = Height; Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> Rotation)); // Bottom right corner Offset.X = -Width; Offset.Y = Height; Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> Rotation)); // Bottom left corner Offset.X = -Width; Offset.Y = -Height; Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> Rotation)); // Top left corner Offset.X = Width; Offset.Y = -Height; Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> Rotation)); } else { // Top right corner Offset.X = Width; Offset.Y = Height; Shape.AddItem(Location + Offset); // Bottom right corner Offset.X = -Width; Offset.Y = Height; Shape.AddItem(Location + Offset); // Bottom left corner Offset.X = -Width; Offset.Y = -Height; Shape.AddItem(Location + Offset); // Top left corner Offset.X = Width; Offset.Y = -Height; Shape.AddItem(Location + Offset); } return true; } else if (ShapeType == EShape_Circle && Sides > 0) { // Get the angle of each 'slice' defined by the number of sides Angle = 65536 / Sides; // If we are aligned to rotation, use the rotation as the starting point R = (AlignToRotation) ? Rotation : Rot(0, 0, 0); // Set the radius Offset.X = Radius; Offset.Y = 0.f; // For each side... for (i = 0; i < Sides; ++i) { // Add the the left side point Shape.AddItem(Location + (Offset >> R)); // Increment to the next side R.Yaw += Angle; } return true; } return false; } defaultproperties { }
DynamicNavMeshObstacle (動的ナビゲーションメッシュ障害物) の使用
var DynamicNavMeshObstacle PlacementObstacle; function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); PlacementObstacle = Spawn(class'DynamicNavMeshObstacle'); PlacementObstacle.SetAsCircle(96, 8); }
function Tick(float DeltaTime) { Super.Tick(DeltaTime); ForEach TraceActors(class'Actor', HitActor, HitLocation, HitNormal, CachedMouseWorldOrigin + CachedMouseWorldDirection * 65536.f, CachedMouseWorldOrigin,,, class'Actor'.const.TRACEFLAG_Bullet) { if (HitActor.bWorldGeometry) { PlacementObstacle.UnRegisterObstacle(); PlacementObstacle.SetLocation(HitLocation); PlacementObstacle.RegisterObstacle(); break; } } }