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Level Optimization - BSP
Document Summary: A detailed description on how to optimize your level through use of BSP. Document Changelog: Last updated by Michiel Hendriks, minor text changes. Previously updated by Jason Lentz (DemiurgeStudios?), to break up in to smaller docs. Original authors were Tomasz Jachimczak (UdnStaff) and Jason Lentz (DemiurgeStudios?).Introduction
BSP is the most primitive of the geometry types as well as the most fundamental. Without it, your level will not exist. While BSP is the slowest geometry type to render, it does have some advantages over the other geometry types. Here you will see what the best uses are for BSP geometry and how you can use it efficiently in your level. This document is part of a collection of documents on LevelOptimization, but sure to read the others.Creating the World Space
It is necessary in creating the actual space of the world. You must start with BSP by subtracting a BSP brush from the world, so that you are working within subtracted world space. Using BSP brush is also the only way to set up zones (explained in detail in the Zones and Portals section). Another thing to note with BSP is that it is occluded in nodes, which means that when it is set up to be hidden from the renderer it will be hidden in chunks, not on a triangle by triangle basis. Here are some images of a space that has been created entirely with BSP geometry carved out from the solid world space.

BSP Collision
BSP geometry always handles collision calculations more efficiently but because of its rendering limitations, it is not ideal for everywhere. Typically BSP surfaces are used for ground and floor surfaces, and often invisible blocking volumes are constructed from the BSP brush and used to conceal more complicated StaticMesh geometry that may be making up the walls or sides of the space. For more detail on optimizing for collision, see the CollisionTutorialZones and Portals
Zones and Portals are the best tool for visibility culling that the level designer can work with. A Zone is an entire area of the level that can be sectioned off and considered separately for rendering. This allows the renderer to draw triangles or not draw triangles per Zone rather than going through and individually determining what meshes will and won't be drawn. This is a huge advantage since with zones, the render will only be limited to drawing just the geometry in the 2-5 zones that a player can see into. To create a Zone, section off areas of your level by totally enclosing them in BSP volumes. A skybox, which does just that (completely surrounds a world), is in effect a Zone. Everything outside of that Zone will not be rendered as long as there are no lines of sight from one Zone to another. This brings up the problem of having players travel from Zone to Zone. To allow a player to move from one Zone to another a Portal must be added. Portals are invisible sheets that are used to divide up Zones. If a player can see through a Portal into another zone, then the renderer will render that zone. Given this, it is best to place Portals in the smallest connection two parts of a zone, such as doorways, to ensure you get the maximum efficiency of your Zones and Portals.