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Placing Triggers in Maps
Document Summary: A reference and tutorial for setting up Triggers. Document Changelog: Last updated by Jason Lentz (DemiurgeStudios?), to include ViewShaker Trigger and to remove broken Example Maps. Original author was Richard 'vajuras' Osborne (UdnStaff).What is a Trigger?
Triggers are basically just 'alarms' that- once triggered, can cause a series of events to occur. There are many different types of triggers available for level designers to use such as proximity of a nearby player/pawn, damage taken, and many other more specialized types of triggers (these are covered later). Most of these types can be setup simply by using the Trigger class.Setting up a generic Trigger
Let's go through the process of adding a simple trigger to the level that will display a message when a player enters its proximity. Open the Unreal Editor and construct a basic level. After you add a PlayerStart, you'll notice that Unreal Ed has a list of different types of triggers that you can select from.

Breaking it Down
This section describes all the properties of a trigger:- TriggerType - defines the type of action that will be the catalyst for the trigger. There are 6 different choices that will trigger this actor:
a) TT_PlayerProximity - any pawn that is controlled by AI or an actual player.
b) TT_PawnProximity - by default this means any pawn. c) TT_ClassProximity - means this trigger is activated by any actor that belongs to the ClassProximityType argument (it can be a subclass of the argument as well). For example, Engine.Pawn would apply to any pawn.

- Message - this string/message is displayed when the trigger is activated.
- bTriggerOnceOnly - this actor becomes inactive after it's activated once.
- bInitiallyActive - set to true by default- meaning that the trigger is active. If this property is set to false, this trigger can only be activated by another trigger.
- ClassProximityType - useful only if the TriggerType is set to TT_ClassProximity. Any game entity matching this class type will activate the trigger.
- RepeatTriggerTime - if this value is set to greater than 0, the Message will be repeated every few seconds as long as the trigger is still colliding with the entity that activated it.
- ReTriggerDelay - duration of time in seconds that must expire before this trigger can be reactivated.
- DamageThreshold - minimum amount of damage this trigger must be inflicted if the TriggerType is set to TT_Shoot.
Other Types Of Triggers
There are many other types of Triggers that provide more specialized functions than the generic Trigger class. There are three basic parts to the trigger, the Event, Tag, and ExcludeTags. The Event is the action or the object that is being triggers such as music playing or a light toggling. The Tag is the name of the trigger itself. More information on ExcludeTags coming soon. With Triggers a player can activate things in a map with their mere presence. The following are how some of the different types of triggers can be used.MusicTrigger
When this actor is triggered, it plays the song specified by it's default settings. If this trigger is 'triggered' again, it will stop the current song that's playing. Unlike a generic Trigger, this special trigger must be triggered by another event. For instance, setup a generic trigger that uses TT_PlayerProximity for the TriggerType and set its Event/Event property to MusicPlay (this will be the EventName).

- Song - this is the music file that will be played when this trigger is activated.
- FadeInTime - the number of seconds the music will transition into the new track.
- FadeOutTime - the number of seconds the music will fade out.
- FadeOutAllSongs - this property simply cancels the current song. If you set the Song property- it will simply be ignored if this property is set to true.
The Line Of Sight trigger was designed for single player games for situations the mapper may desire to trigger an event when a PlayerController (human game player) views the user defined object. Hence, this unique trigger does not work in multiplayer mode (only for the human player that either owns a local or listen server). The LineOfSightTrigger can be used with any group of actors and is very straight forward to use. You should not use it for the trigger itself but instead for an entity in the level. For example, if the player sees just the LOS trigger, an event isn't triggered unless the actor associated with the trigger via the SeenActorTag is in view. Pawns controlled by an AIController will not trigger this actor. To use a Line Of Sight Trigger, simply add the trigger to the level. Next, adjust the SeenActorTag property to match the Tag property of the actor you want to trigger the LOS event. Below is an example of a Trigger with the SeenActorTag set followed by explanations of each of the properties:
- bEnabled - Disables this trigger. Internally, a LineOfSightTrigger does not disable itself. However, if the trigger is disabled, the engine will stop running LOS checks.
- MaxViewAngle - this is the angle in degrees that the player must view the SeenActor in order to trigger Line Of Sight.
- MaxViewDist - maximum distance the player can be in order for Line Of Sight to occur. This value is in unreal units.
- SeenActorTag - this is a required property used by the trigger to determine Line Of Sight for an actor that exists in the level. During initialization, the trigger will find this actor and begin observing it for line of sight events. This functionality seems to be rather restricted though since the only Tag that seems to work is that of the LineOfSight Trigger itself.

The MaterialTrigger is one of the most unique triggers. Unlike the others that have been described, this trigger works with a MaterialSwitch material. A MaterialSwitch material simply iterates through an internal list of materials whenever it is triggered. Note, you can actually trigger any material using a MaterialTrigger in which will proceed to trigger it's FallbackMaterial material. However, only the MaterialSwitch material will actually do something once triggered by default. First, create a MaterialSwitch material in unrealed. Open up the texture browser and click New. Create a new package or simply use the included UDNMat.utx file which contains an example MaterialSwitch material.

- Current - this property refers to the current material in the array/group that is being displayed. This number increments until it reaches it's max, and then it resets back to 0. By default it refers to the first image you add to the array but you can change this to indicate which material you want to start with.
- Materials Array - this is the group of materials you want to alternate through.

This is one of the most straight forward triggers to use. If a human controlled pawn is within the proximity of this trigger and hits their USE key, it activates this trigger. In turn, this trigger will alert all actors whose Tag matches the Event property set by this trigger. Note that it is also possible to send a message to the screen with this trigger. In the UseTrigger section, there is a Message field. This will send a message to the screen when a player comes within the proximity of the trigger, which can be changed in the Collision section, in the CollisionHeight and CollisionRadius fields.

Property | Explanation | Default value |
OffsetIterations | This value determines how many times the player's view will be offset, or in other words, how long the player's view will be shaken linearly. | 500.0 |
OffsetMagHorizontal | This value is the maximum distance that the player's view will be offset in the horizontal direction. | 0.0 |
OffsetMagVertical | This value is the maximum distance that the player's view will be offset in the vertical direction. | 10.0 |
OffsetRateHorizontal | This value is how fast the players view will be offset linearly in the horizontal direction. | 353.0 |
OffsetRateVertical | This value is how fast the players view will be offset linearly in the vertical direction. | 400.0 |
RollMag | This value determines how far to roll the view of the player. | 0.0 |
RollRate | This value determines how quickly to roll the view of the player. | 0.0 |
ShakeRadius | All players within this radius from the ViewShaker will experience the effect of the ViewShaker. | 2000.0 |
ViewRollTime | This value is how long the effected player's view will roll back and forth. | 0.0 |
When this actor is touched, the event is triggered for all ZoneInfo actors that contains the matching Tag property. As of version 927, there really aren't any ZoneInfo subclasses that a ZoneTrigger would be useful to use in conjunction with.- bTriggerOnceOnly - turns the trigger off after it's been activated.

Timed Trigger
This trigger is obsolete. Don't use it, or the editor will give you a warning, in addition to it not working.Gameplay Triggers
This section references all triggers that belong to the Gameplay package (Gameplay.u).Counter
This trigger performs the simple purpose of counting down from a user defined number to 0. When the count equals 0, the Event property for this actor is triggered. The Counter trigger is triggered by an outside event (such as a separate proximity trigger).- NumToCount is the initial/current value of this Counter. When this value equals 0, the Event is triggered for this actor.
- bShowMessage is the boolean property that indicates that this actor will publish a message when the NumToCount value is decremented.
- CountMessage is the message that is displayed when the NumToCount value is decremented. This message is displayed only if the bShowMessage property is set to true. The %i character is replaced during runtime with the value of NumToCount. For instance, if NumToCount=6 and the CountMessage equals "Only %i to go" then the message "Only 6 to go" will be displayed during the game.
- CompleteMessage is the message that is displayed when the countdown has finished.

This trigger accepts an event and redirects it to a pawn in the level. This functionality isn't currently used anywhere but could be useful for pawn subclasses that implements some function for a specific Event. Unlike the other triggers previously described, the Event that you wish to trigger is set by a separate property called RedirectionEvent.- RedirectionEvent is the event that is triggered for all pawns in the level.
This trigger expands upon the generic trigger base by providing several restrictions. Unlike the other triggers, this one is only applicable to team games (such as WarfareTeamDeathmatch). This trigger will not work in regular deathmatch or single player modes. Below is a list of restrictions this trigger adds:- Any damage taken by a teammate will not be processed normally.
- Any event that is related to a certain pawn in the level will not be processed if the instigator is on the same team that is indicated by the Team byte property.
- bTimed is a boolean property that will cause this trigger to trigger an Event every 2.5 game seconds for any pawn in the level that is not does not match the same Team.
- Team is the id of the team this trigger should exclude events for.