
class unreal.DisplayClusterConfigurationICVFX_ChromakeyMarkers(enable=True, marker_color=[0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 1.0], marker_tile_rgba=None, marker_size_scale=0.5, marker_tile_distance=1.5, marker_tile_offset=[0.0, 0.0])

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Display Cluster Configuration ICVFX Chromakey Markers

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: nDisplay

  • Module: DisplayClusterConfiguration

  • File: DisplayClusterConfigurationTypes_ICVFX.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • enable (bool): [Read-Write] Enable: True to display Chromakey Markers within the inner frustum.

  • marker_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Marker Color: Marker Color

  • marker_size_scale (float): [Read-Write] Marker Size Scale: Scale value for the size of each chromakey marker tile.

  • marker_tile_distance (float): [Read-Write] Marker Tile Distance: Distance value between each chromakey marker tile.

  • marker_tile_offset (Vector2D): [Read-Write] Marker Tile Offset: Offset value for the chromakey marker tiles, normalized to the tile distance. Adjust placement of the chromakey markers within the composition of the camera framing. Whole numbers will offset chromakey markers by a cyclical amount and have no visual change.

  • marker_tile_rgba (Texture2D): [Read-Write] Marker Tile RGBA: Texture to use as the chromakey marker tile.

property enable

[Read-Write] Enable: True to display Chromakey Markers within the inner frustum.



property marker_color

[Read-Write] Marker Color: Marker Color



property marker_size_scale

[Read-Write] Marker Size Scale: Scale value for the size of each chromakey marker tile.



property marker_tile_distance

[Read-Write] Marker Tile Distance: Distance value between each chromakey marker tile.



property marker_tile_offset

[Read-Write] Marker Tile Offset: Offset value for the chromakey marker tiles, normalized to the tile distance. Adjust placement of the chromakey markers within the composition of the camera framing. Whole numbers will offset chromakey markers by a cyclical amount and have no visual change.



property marker_tile_rgba

[Read-Write] Marker Tile RGBA: Texture to use as the chromakey marker tile.

