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UE3 Home > Unreal Development Kit Gems > Rendering Occluded Actors
UE3 Home > Materials & Textures > Rendering Occluded Actors
UE3 Home > Materials & Textures > Rendering Occluded Actors
Rendering Occluded Actors
Last tested against UDK Mar, 2011
PC compatible
- Render the actor's mesh as per normal
- Render an occluded version of the actor's mesh on top; for each pixel
- Check the new pixel depth against the existing pixel depth
- If the difference in depth is above a value, then continue to render the occluded pixel
- Otherwise do not render the pixel
Material properties
In order to have access to the Scene Depth node in the material, the material must be Translucent. Set the material to Unlit to help with performance.Related topics
- Materials Tutorial
- Materials Compendium
- Material Basics
- Post Process Materials
- Material Instance Constant
- Material Examples
class OccludedPawn extends UTPawn; var(Pawn) const SkeletalMeshComponent OccludedMesh; simulated function SetMeshVisibility(bool bVisible) { Super.SetMeshVisibility(bVisible); if (OccludedMesh != None) { OccludedMesh.SetOwnerNoSee(!bVisible); } } simulated function SetCharacterMeshInfo(SkeletalMesh SkelMesh, MaterialInterface HeadMaterial, MaterialInterface BodyMaterial) { Super.SetCharacterMeshInfo(SkelMesh, HeadMaterial, BodyMaterial); if (OccludedMesh != None) { OccludedMesh.SetSkeletalMesh(SkelMesh); } } defaultproperties { Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=OPawnSkeletalMeshComponent Materials(0)=Material'OccludedPawnContent.OccludedMaterial' Materials(1)=Material'OccludedPawnContent.OccludedMaterial' DepthPriorityGroup=SDPG_Foreground // Render the occluded skeletal mesh in the foreground layer ShadowParent=WPawnSkeletalMeshComponent ParentAnimComponent=WPawnSkeletalMeshComponent bCacheAnimSequenceNodes=false AlwaysLoadOnClient=true AlwaysLoadOnServer=true bOwnerNoSee=true CastShadow=false // Casting shadows is not required BlockRigidBody=true bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered=false bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered=true bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation=true bCastDynamicShadow=false // Casting shadows is not required RBChannel=RBCC_Untitled3 RBCollideWithChannels=(Untitled3=true) LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment bOverrideAttachmentOwnerVisibility=true bAcceptsDynamicDecals=false bHasPhysicsAssetInstance=true TickGroup=TG_PreAsyncWork MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate=0.2f bChartDistanceFactor=true RBDominanceGroup=20 MotionBlurScale=0.f bUseOnePassLightingOnTranslucency=true bPerBoneMotionBlur=true End Object OccludedMesh=OPawnSkeletalMeshComponent Components.Add(OPawnSkeletalMeshComponent) CamOffset=(X=16.0,Y=64.0,Z=-52.0) }
class OccludedGameInfo extends UTDeathmatch; defaultproperties { DefaultPawnClass=class'OccludedPawn' }
Related topics
- Download the source and content used in this gem. (OccludedPawn.zip)