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UE3 Home > Networking & Replication > Server to client remote procedure call pattern
Server to client remote procedure call pattern
The server to client remote procedure call pattern is used when you want that client to perform some logic client side. If you wish to only push data to the client, this can be done using variable replication patterns such as the RepNotify pattern. Use this when you want the client to perform some logic using incoming data. An example would be when the server wants to broadcast a message to all of the connected clients.
Player Controller class
Player controllers act as a bridge of communication between the client and the server. In this case, the server is able to replicate the ReceiveBroadcast function and its parameters to the client.
class STCRPC_PlayerController extends PlayerController; /** * Client function which receives a broadcast from the server * * Network: Client */ reliable client function ReceiveBroadcast(String ReceivedText) { `Log(Self$":: Server sent me '"$ReceivedText$"'."); } defaultproperties { }
Game Info class
The GameInfo class only exists on the server. In this pattern, RandomBroadcast is executed once per second by using the SetTimer function. RandomBroadcast iterates over all of the player controller instances on the server, stored in WorldInfo, and replicates ReceiveBroadcast function and its parameters to the client's version of the player controller.
class STCRPC_GameInfo extends GameInfo; /** * Post Begin Play is executed after the GameInfo is created * * Network: Dedicated/Listen Server */ function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); // Set the timer which broad casts a random message to all players SetTimer(1.f, true, 'RandomBroadcast'); } /** * Broadcast a random message to all players * * Network: Dedicated/Listen Server */ function RandomBroadcast() { local STCRPC_PlayerController PlayerController; local int i; local string BroadcastMessage; if (WorldInfo != None) { // Constuct a random text message for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { BroadcastMessage $= Chr(Rand(255)); } ForEach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'STCRPC_PlayerController', PlayerController) { `Log(Self$":: Sending "$PlayerController$" a broadcast message which is '"$BroadcastMessage$"'."); PlayerController.ReceiveBroadcast(BroadcastMessage); } } } defaultproperties { PlayerControllerClass=class'STCRPC_PlayerController' }
On the client, ReceiveBroadcast is received each second or so along with a very random broadcast message.

- Download the source code used in this pattern. (ServerToClientRPCExample.zip)