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AI MoveTo

Simple order for Pawn with AIController to move to a specific location


Clears Focus, will also clear FocalPoint as a result

Target is AIController

Get AIController

The way it works exactly is if the actor passed in is a pawn, then the function retrieves pawn's controller cast to AIController. Otherwise the function returns actor cast to AIController.

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Get Avoidance Velocity for Component

Calculate avoidance velocity for component (avoids collisions with the supplied component)

Target is Avoidance Manager

Get Blackboard

Get Blackboard

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Get Current Path

Returns a NEW UOBJECT that is a COPY of navigation path given controller is currently using. The result being a copy means you won't be able to influence agent's pathfollowing by manipulating received path. Please use GetCurrentPathPoints if you only need the array of path points.

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Get Current Path Index

Return the path index the given controller is currently at. Returns INDEX_NONE if no path.

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Get Current Path Points

Returns an array of navigation path points given controller is currently using.

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Get Focal Point

Retrieve the final position that controller should be looking at.

Target is AIController

Get Focal Point on Actor

Retrieve the focal point this controller should focus to on given actor.

Target is AIController

Get Focus Actor

Get the focused actor.

Target is AIController

Get New Avoidance UID

Get appropriate UID for use when reporting to this function or requesting RVO assistance.

Target is Avoidance Manager

Get Next Nav Link Index

Return the path index of the next nav link for the current path of the given controller. Returns INDEX_NONE if no path or no incoming nav link.

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Get Object Count

Get the number of avoidance objects currently in the manager.

Target is Avoidance Manager

Is Valid AIDirection

Is Valid AIDirection

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Is Valid AILocation

Is Valid AILocation

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Is Valid AIRotation

Is Valid AIRotation

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Make Noise

Trigger a noise caused by a given Pawn, at a given location. Note that the NoiseInstigator Pawn MUST have a PawnNoiseEmitterComponent for the noise to be detected by a PawnSensingComponent. Senders of MakeNoise should have an Instigator if they are not pawns, or pass a NoiseInstigator.

Target is Actor

Pawn Make Noise

Inform AIControllers that you've made a noise they might hear (they are sent a HearNoise message if they have bHearNoises==true) The instigator of this sound is the pawn which is used to call MakeNoise.

Target is Pawn

Register Movement Component

Register with the given avoidance manager.

Target is Avoidance Manager

Run Behavior Tree

Starts executing behavior tree.

Target is AIController


Exec command to broadcast a string to all players

Target is Game Mode

Send AIMessage

Send AIMessage

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library


Set the position that controller should be looking at.

Target is AIController


Set Focus for actor, will set FocalPoint as a result.

Target is AIController

Spawn AIFrom Class

Spawns AI agent of a given class. The PawnClass needs to have AIController set for the function to spawn a controller as well.

Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library

Use Blackboard

Makes AI use the specified Blackboard asset & creates a Blackboard Component if one does not already exist.

Target is AIController


Behavior Tree

Behavior Tree











Pawn Actions

Pawn Actions





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